Some brotherly love

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After Ashley had left Julian couldn't go back to sleep , he tried to but he kept tossing and turning. Once he made himself a cup of coffee Julian turned on the tv , it was a re run of TMZ and Julian couldn't help but laugh as one of the reporters asked Ashley if she liked his beard ; he smiled as she giggled and said she loved him with or without a beard.

***At Rob's house***

Rob and his older brother Dan were in a heated argument.

Dan- "what the fuck Rob , you can't do this to Julian , he's apart of your tea-"

Rob cut him off by slamming a hand on his counter "I know that , I know we work together , I know he's my best friend but I also know I love her"

Dan- "if you really loved her like you say that you do then you'd want her to be happy , even if that happiness didn't include you" 

Rob- " that's a lot easier said than done" he mumbled. 

Dan- " you have to stop acting like a little kid Rob , you can't always get what you want"

Rob let a little smile show "look at you being all smart"

Dan chuckled while ruffling Rob's hair "mom isn't here so someone has to keep you in check".

Rob and Dan started laughing.

" But in all seriousness I love Ashley too Rob , I remember back when you were in college and you invited her home. She has always been like a little sister to me , one that we never had growing up. That night that you broke her heart she called me and I remember telling her that you weren't ready yet. I told her you'd eventually see what you had missed. After that night we didn't talk again , I tried calling her but she didn't pick up and never called me back I guess she just wanted to try to forget about what you and her had. Fast forward a year later and I saw her with Julian at one of the patriots parties. We talked and she said she had met Julian three months after things with you ended. They took things slow and fell in love. Rob they have a history together , they love each other. That's all I'm going to say. Just please take her happiness into consideration before you decide to do anything else stupid" Dan finished not giving Rob a chance to respond he walked back up the stairs.

Rob was speechless , he didn't know what to say. He loved Ashley , but was it really too late for them to be together? They could be happy together too couldn't they?

****In Ashley's car****

After leaving Rob's , Ashley drove back to her's and Julian's house but stayed out in the car and cried. She didn't  know how long she was out there , all she knew was that she was crying for Julian and the fact the she could break his heart, she cried for the relationship that could have happened between herself and Rob but didn't , she cried because -

Ashley gasped as her passenger side door was opened and Julian got in, he didn't say anything , he just held her as close as he could to his body.

Julian allowed his girlfriend to cry, he didn't know how long they were in there but when her crying had stopped the sun was up, and she was sleeping. Julian kissed the top of her head before getting out the car and going over to the driver's side, opening the door as quietly as he could he picked her up and carried her inside their house.

Julian laid her in bed and held her tightly to his body. He didn't know what was going on but he planned to figure it out. 

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