What are best friends for?

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Gillette stadium


"Tom I don't know what to do, I love her , I love her so much. I can't loose her, what should I do"? Julian asked Tom in frustration.

Tom walked over to his friend and put a reassuring hand on the shorter man's shoulder " listen Julian if there is one thing that I know about you it's that you never give up, even during the hardest times , even when everyone else thinks that there's no hope ; you always do and that's what you need to do now is have that same mind frame that you have on the field" he said with a comforting smile that an older brother would give to a younger one.

"She won't even let me hold her anymore , she's been moving away from me and when I asked her about it she said it means nothing and that she just needs space" Julian said sitting down on the field angrily.

"I told you Gisele does that sometimes too, women are hard to understand , understanding women isn't our job though , playing football is." Tom said smiling when Julian smiled. " The best advice I can give you is to love like you play football , give it your all" he finished seriously.

"What would I do without you"? Julian asked laughing 

" you'd be miserable without me" Tom said ruffling Julian's hair before getting up and grabbing a football "now enough with this stuff and let's get ready for football season" he finished before snapping the ball and watching as Julian ran and jumped in the air catching the ball perfectly.


Julian and Ashley's house


Ashley had woken up with a pounding headache , she immediately noticed that Julian was no longer beneath her , wincing from the pain of her headache she looked around for him but only saw a note on their coffee table explaining that he was going to practice with Tom and he'd be home later.

She felt like her life was one big mess and she needed someone to talk to , someone that she could trust. She immediately thought of her best friend and knowing he was in town for the weekend she called him and asked him to come over.


Friend comes over


Thirty minutes later she heard a loud knock on the door , rushing over and opening it she immediately smiled at the tall Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers. 

"AARON YOU'RE HERE" she said squealing when he picked her up , hugging her tightly.

"Of course I am shorty , I haven't seen you in months unless you want to count me seeing you on magazines and on TV." Aaron said letting her go. "Anyways it seems like my best friend can't even pick up her phone to call me" he added crossing his arms across his chest.

"That works both ways Rodgers" she said walking away from him and sitting on the couch.

"Fair enough short stuff , so why does my best friend need to see me so badly that I had to stop working out and come over here"? He asked while sitting beside her and picking up a magazine.

Ashley took the magazine away from Aaron , gaining his attention when he saw the serious look on her face. " what is it"? He asked with a frown when he got a good look at her and noticed how she looked older from only two months ago.

"Aaron , Rob wants me back he's been kissing me and telling me he loves me ever since the night the Patriots won the Superbowl" she said holding back tears.

"Does Julian know"? He asked lightly.

" no, of course not. Julian loves me so much and him and Rob are best friends , it would kill him if I told him what's been going on not to mention break up the team" she said not even trying to hold back the pool of tears now running down her face.

"Who do you love"? Aaron asked looking at her.

" what"? Ashley asked surprised by the question.

"I asked you , who do you love?  Julian or Rob, which one do you love more" he clarified.

"I ......... I don't know" she whispered more to herself than to Aaron.

"Think of all the times that they have made you happy or have made you sad and pick which ever one has made you more happy" he said genuinely trying to help his best friend.

A couple of minutes of silence passed before Aaron brought her into his arms for a tight embrace "you don't have to decide right now but Ashley you do need to tell Julian what's going on" he said running his fingers through her hair trying to sooth her. "I'll even stay here until he gets back if you don't want to tell him alone" he added before kissing her cheek.

"Thanks Aaron but that's something I've got to tell Julian alone" she said leaning back out of his embrace.

Aaron smiled at her and wiped her tears away "what are best friends for"? He chuckled when she laughed and lightly smacked his arm.

"you're too cocky for your own good Rodgers" she said smiling at him and moving back to her spot on the couch.

Right before he was about to reply the door opened.

"Hey babe who's car is this outside" Julian asked walking into their house. "Oh what's up Rodgers? What are you doing in New England it isn't time for us to beat the Packers yet is it"? He asked smiling.

" watch it Edelman , I'm actually out here training and thought I'd drop by and see my best friend" Aaron said hugging Ashley. "We're going to beat you this year so watch out" he added getting up from his seat "I'll catch you guys later though , I've got to get ready for a date tonight" he finished pulling Ashley in for a hug and shaking Julian's hand in the process.

"Good luck" Ashley said smiling and walking into Julian's arms as Aaron walked to the front door.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later shorty and I'll be seeing you on the field soon Edelman" he said before ruffling up Ashley's hair then walking out the door.

"You can bet on it" Julian called back "and don't be trying to get my girl to wear a Packers Jersey" he added holding up a Packers Jersey that he had left behind for Ashley making everyone laugh. 

" She would look better in green then blue" he laughed getting in his car.


A while later


After dinner Julian and Ashley were sitting comfortably on their couch together snuggled up watching the movie The Longest Ride when Ashley paused the movie and looked up at Julian who looked back at her confused.

"Babe can we talk? I have something I need to tell you" she said making Julian even more confused. 

"Of course"Julian replied.


Okay guys that's it for this chapter. I'm sorry if it sucked. Is this story getting boring now to any of you?


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