• December 19 •

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"Tom what are we?"

"Hmm, what'd you mean?" He replied, intrigued.

It had occurred to you lately that you were doing so much more with Tom, exploring you knew territories and continuing to build a better relationship, that you your mind hadn't even grazed the thought of what you and Tom were. Ofcourse he was still your bestfriend but were you his girlfriend? Was this a friend's with benefits? You were suddenly now questioning it all.

"I mean, your always going to be my bestfriend, but there's more.." You trailed, huffing on the bed after getting dressed to go out that evening.

Tom walked over to you after checking himself in the mirror. He came across your flat body on the bed and gently layed on top to be met with your wavering eyes. His warmth and touch, bringing comfort and security immediately. Even just that, helped calm the racing thoughts that had you stressing a little bit.

"What do you want us to be?" He asked as he rubbed comforting circles on your arms and occasionally running his fingers through your hair. Your hand found the sides of his waists as you gripped them with comfort.

It was also at this moment that Tom wondered what you two were. He really hadn't questioned himself that lately as he was always busy doing stuff with you. This is one of those times that you'd both need space from eachother to understand what you were. You both didn't want it to be forced for you two to get some space away from eachother so at this point, you'll just accept and understand what is, what will be and what won't.

"I want us to be anything, as long as we're together." You said sincerely and meant it with all your heart.

Before you two kissed in that car and decided to be more intimate,
Tom was constantly thinking about acting upon more of how you two were interacting before, rather than understanding the concept of what that would be. He wasn't thinking about you being his girlfriend, all he wanted was to do more with you. There was that desire and the need for more and that's when he realised you weren't only a bestfriend that he can be intimate with through conversations and soul bond but through the touches and feels of the both of your flesh.

Suddenly Tom got an idea that he'd forgotten about a while ago. If he wasn't confident enough for it to become a reality before, he definitely was confident now.

"Well then, Y/n L/n," He started with a shit-eating grin.

"Would you let me have the honours of becoming your boyfriend?" He finished.

The smile on his face had your gut twisting in all the best ways and your cheeks were suddenly now a bright colour, which Tom noticed.

You hadn't expected this of a question from him at all. You were stunned for a second but then your feelings quickly turned into adoration.

"Fuck," You chuckled lightly as you closed your eyes, to take it all in. That sentence coming out of his mouth was obviously something you've never heard him say, and suddenly you fell for him more. You always did.

"Fuck yes, you can be my boyfriend!" You smiled, reeling his neck in for a kiss.

Your heart practically swelled at his choice of words and you were glad he was the one that asked you first. You pulled away to take it all in again, by just staring at him with eyes that were only meant for him. He did the same except, all wanted to do was ravish you up at this moment. For the first time, he wanted to be sexual with you but in the most intimate way possible. He wasn't feeling horny but desperate for you. As chessy as it sounds, and for the first time in his life, he didn't want to have sex, he wanted to make love, with you.

You and Tom continued to makeout gently, to not initiate something that both of you won't be able to stop as the time and place didn't provide for the correct circumstances. His hands however kept kneading your breast as his mouth gently did the work on yours. His body kept shifting on top of you to be more comfortable and you pulled him against you harder.

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