• December 17 •

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"Morning, babe"

"Fuck off, I told you not to call me that!" You yelled at your annoyingly handsome bestfriend.

You turned away from him on the bed, pulling the sheets further with you on purpose. Although his morning, low, raspy voice kind of got you riled up, you were still annoyed.

You didn't like the sound of that nickname. He can call you anything he wanted to, just not that word. It just didn't settle right in your chest, despite it being a simple word.0

You felt a pair of hands sneak around your waist and before he was able to say another word, you silently stood up walked to the bathroom, ignoring his well known fake apologies. He smiled nonetheless and flopped back down on the bed with a huge grin.
You were the first one out of your rooms at around 9 am, scrolling through whatever was going on in your social medias, a few nonsense tweets and a couple funny memes you'd saved.

Harry came out next, wearing a very familiar navy hoodie, with Dunder Mifflin embroidered on the corner.

You smirked as you put your phone down to hand your attention over to him, making his morning tea. His hair was a tousled mess, lips all chapped and he had dark eyebags under his eyes. However, you still loved those locks of red curls, despite jts mess at this moment.

"Nice hoodie you got there Baz" He turned to look at you with unaware, raised eye brows.

"Yea, it's nice" He said quietly.

"How was your sleep?"

"Eh, not the worst" He still had no idea.

"Where'd you get that from Harry?" You pointed at his hoodie with small, subtle smirk to which Harry did not notice.

"Oh, um, yea, my-my closet" He said and that confirmed you that he knew it was yours.

"Hmmm, yeah, your closet" You said suspiciously and Harry noticed.

"Why are we talking about closets?" Harrison then came out with his hair wet and bright eyes.

"Ohh, goodmorning to you sunshine" You said with a surprised tone at his appearance. Considering the fact that he was extremely drunk last night and woke up like a sleeping beauty was something you shouldn't be surprised of. I mean it was the Harrison Osterfield. Ofcourse he was going to wake up fresh and nicely cleaned after a long night of drinks.

You glanced back at Harry, looking him up and down, as if to compare him to Harrison.

"Oh shut up" He grumbled while pouring some milk in his cup.

"I said nothing" You said, putting your hands up in defence.

"Oh hey guys," Tom greeted, messing his hair up as he glanced at you with a smirk.

"Hey, babe"

"Ooooooh, they're calling eachother babes now" Harrison mocked.

"Shut up, Haz"

"You," You said, grabbing your phone and standing up from the stool. "can fuck off" You said as you pointed at Tom, grumbling your way to your room.




The three boys laughed at your antics as they continued to get prepared and ready for the day. A few teas were made a couple toasts were munched on, nothing too out of the ordinary. No one bothered to clean up as everyone felt too lazy, including you. So everything was left either in the sink or on the tables. It was a matter of time before you all fought who would clean it up, as not a single one wanted to.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now