• December 10 •

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"Whatup dickwads!" You announced, as you entered the living room, with a smug smile.

"Seriously?" Tom said from the couch while Harry laughed.

"Whats with the mask?" You asked Harry, pointing to his face. He was about to respond when Harrison interrupted.

"Finally, your awake," Harrison said from behind you, with two garbage bins in his hands. "Had to take care of your jobs too."

"Whats your problem?" You asked him, as he sounded very annoyed, especially towards you.

Harrison did look a little red more than usual and his his voice sounded strained.

"Wait, are you sick?"

"Yep, and I had to pick up Tom's tissues, wash the dishes and clean my bedroom for the awaiting tissues that are about to come."

"How did you even get sick?" You wondered.

"He's been around me too, you know" Tom said as Harrison opened the front door to throw the rubbish in the bins.

"Thats what this is for" Harry said, pointing to his mask.

"You really don't need it, I mean I'm not sick"

"Your practically immune, which is so unfair but I just want to make sure I dont get sick too" Harry said as you made your way into the living room.

"How are you feeling?" You asked Tom as you came over and sat by his side. He looked at you before responding.

"Feel better, by a tiny bit since I can manage to walk now"

"And your head?" You asked, patting his forehead and neck to feel his temperature, still feeling very warm.

"Headaches gone, just a cough and snot" He said, his voice sounding hoarse and groggy.

Harrison came back from outside, putting the bits of fallen snow off his shoulders.

"Well I'm sorry Haz, just felt like staying in later than usual" You responded with a frown.

"Anything you want me to do?" You asked Harrison.

"Can you clean my bathroom for me please?" He asked nicely this time without an attitude.

"Why can't Harry do it?" You asked as you glanced at Harry playing his game on the playstation.

"He knows how to clean, but you know how to make things smell good" He reasoned, making you sigh as he handed you a bin liner. "Because my bathroom could get a load of that"

"Its a little stinky in there...just saying" He mentioned making you groan to which Tom chuckled at.

His bathroom was indeed smelly and you couldn't tell why. The smell had a mixture of deodorant, aftershave, lotion and something that you can't pick up on. Was it poop? Mould? A dead rat perhaps? And that's when it hit you.

He was a male and had male parts and, did male things.

"You are a grot" You groaned as your face squinted from the terrible image in your head.

It wasn't only the smell that bothered you but the fact that it smelt like that everywhere just disgusted you. You wondered how the bathroom smelt like it.

"What does he do? Does he just miss the toilet bowl or something?" You asked yourself out loudly.

You started by picking up all the clothes that were littered everywhere, clean or not clean, they were going in the wash. Then the bits of plastic from toothpaste containers, tissue packs and shampoos were the next ones you picked up. There were alot, some even wet and some very dry that it became crusty. You decided to wear gloves to make yourself feel comfortable and with a little music blasting from your speakers, the job was nearly done. It took about almost an hour and half but atleast his bathroom doesn't look like a shit hole.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now