• December 16 •

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It was the only thing you could see, during the after hours of the night, keeping you numb from anything but fear.

Then, there were sudden flashes. Bright luminous, white flashes danced across your vision as images were being replayed like a slideshow. Good and bad. Great and worst. All equaled the same fate.

They were quick, and very loud as it roared in your ears, the sound making you want to scream as if using your voice would inch closer to help.

And this time, you saw it. Loud and clear...

That's how you ended up inside the comforters of Tom's sheets, gripping him tightly as he layed unaware of your presence.

Your body enveloped chills, that were cold and ran all the way from your neck and down to your legs.

Your eyes were daring to spill the tears but your body was still recovering from its previous shock. Your face expressed nothing, as your brain attempted to handle the trauma. It was silently killing you. And the worst part is, you had no idea how to stop it.

Then finally as your body began to warm up, your tears have finally broken out of their bonds, causing you to sob harshly. Your palms burned and the grip on your hand around Tom, tightened.

Tom began to stir awake as he felt arms around his torso and warmth spread behind him. Your sobs confirmed him that it was you, turning around quickly to see your wet face.

"Oh, Y/n" Was all he said, as he wrapped his arms around your body, cradling your head as if to shield you from whatever was hurting you. His voice brought a calming sense of relief, only lasting for a few minutes as the emotions continue to run wildly within you.

He felt himself awaken naturally as an instinct to protect you as he made aware of your broken presence.

You've never really spoken about your nightmares to anyone before except for your closest mates ofcourse. And everytime you had another nightmare, it felt as if you were taking two more steps back when you were only progressing to take one more forward.

"Tell me what you saw" He didn't want to push, but from years of being beside you the whole time, he eventually realised that by talking about your nightmares, helps you get better.

You were hesitant, as you did not want to recollect the memories that you were trying so hard to forget. But you wanted him to know, he deserved to being the one to support you all this time.

"I saw him...and what he did to me" You whispered.

Tom's eyes begin to water at the sound of your soft, broken voice and he wished he could just wave a magic wand to make it all go away. But he knew better than to waste time by listening to his fantasies.

You had a foster dad since you were a toddler. Your foster mum, wasn't really involved much in your childhood. You wondered all these years why they got you, when they didn't even treat you the way a child should be treated.

You lived in a neighbourhood around the corner to the Hollands. You first met Nikki when you were 6, as you were getting beaten up by older kids. It wasn't the fact that they physically tortured you, that pained your heart to this day, but the words that they had said about you.

But that wasn't even the worst.

You always went out to go play with the kids around the neighbourhood and when you came home, it was as if you had entered another world.

Your dad. Every night came home drunk. Almost every night he would go inside your bedroom and you were suddenly awaken by rough callused hands, roaming in all inappropriate parts of your body.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now