• December 9 •

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The sounds of grumbling and heavy movements awoke you from your peaceful night.

"Y/n..." Tom mumbled as he shook your body, waking you up fully.

"Tom, what is it?" You asked, quietly, not making eye contact yet as you just woke up.

"My head hurts" He said and thats when you noticed his voice sounding very hoarse.

You turned to look at him, with his eyes half open, laying on his back and his face looking a little pale that usual. You glanced at the clock and it was only 6am in the morning which is the usual time you both get up for work. But since it was the holidays, you didn't have work till the next year which you were very grateful for.

You quickly got out of bed and got dressed into a blue sweater and left your pyjama pants on. You came back and Tom was still laying in bed with his hand on his forehead.

"How exactly are you feeling, Tom?" You asked,  placing your palm on hi forehead to feel it burning.

"I have a headache, my throat really hurts and I can't even hear out my left ear" He said, sneezing after his sentence.

You noticed that he really wasn't like himself. His eyes were droopy, not like how he usually is when he wakes up in the morning and thats when you knew that he truly was in pain.

"Alright, where do you want to stay, here or in the living room?" You asked as you rubbed soft circles on his chest to bring him the slightest of comfort during these times.

"Can I stay in your room?" He asked as he opened his eyes to look at you but you only smiled and chuckled.

"Why my room?"

"Because when you do your chores in your room, I'll always be with you, instead of you having to come back and check on me" He reasoned, "And because it smells like you" you smiled, appreciating his efforts to think of ways to always be by your side.

"Okay, well, up you get" You said as you grabbed the back of his neck to assist him.

A couple seconds later, he was on under your covers with a few pillows to prop him up steadily.

"I'll go grab some breakfast and I'll ask one of the boys to buy you medicine if there are any stores open, okay" You informed, leaving him with the remote of the TV, that was sitting on your nightstand. He mumbled a thanks, finding it hard to get back to sleep with all his muscles aching and his coughing. So he waited for you instead.

Harrison suddenly came in from the opened door, sitting on his bed as he asked.

"Hey man, I heard from Y/n, " He said, unsure of what to say, "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He asked.

Tom thought for a second and shrugged and when it was quiet for a moment Harrison spoke up, changing the topic completely.

"So, Tom," Harrison started.

"why'd you get 2 packs of condoms?"

Tom froze, eyes wide as he avoided his eye contact.

"To be specific, extra large condoms?" Harrison then smirked and Tom wasn't able to respond so he just let Harrison do the talking.

Tom completely forgot about taking them out before the boys unloaded the groceries and he regretted buying them now.

"If it isn't for Y/n, I'll be dissapointed and angry and confu-"

"Eventually. They will be for Y/n, eventually, but you can't tell her" Tom hissed, Harrison hearing his voice for the first time that day.

"So, you guys are together now?" Harrison kept smirking playfully and thats when Tom had enough of this subject.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now