• December 3 •

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The touch of someone's skin against your arm wasnt what stirred you awake but the raspy voice you heard, calling out your name.


"Tom, what are you doing?" You groaned when Tom plopped his head on your belly, watching him with tired eyes. You noticed him sitting on the floor, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. You noticed you were too.

The sky showed its dark navy blue indicating that it was very early in the morning.

"We didn't drink did we?" You asked, running your hands through his hair lazily, hearing him hum at the feeling. You were still half asleep so everything felt fuzzy. It really didn't make sense why you don't remember anything before you fell asleep but I guess it was due to the tiredness in you all.

"No, we didn't drink," He paused before lifting himself up with no effort and moved to lay on top of you. You couldn't complain though, he was a very good source for warmth and suddenly you felt yourself drift off to sleep again.

You felt him drift too, his snore giving you the hint that he was, too, fast asleep.

"Oi hurry up, their gonna wake up soon!" You heard a faint voice yell.

All of a sudden the sound of a camera clicking rung in your ears and you weren't the only who noticed as Tom stirred, complaining about the loud giggles around the room.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" You grumbled, finally realising the position you and Tom were laying in.

"Oh" You mumbled, eyes squinting. Tom's head was buried in your neck and his body practically covered your small petit one.

You saw where his hand was laying and you flinched, groaning at the feeling of his hands slowly kneeding your breast, unknowingly.

"Thomas!" You yelled, hearing loud laughter.

Tom opened his eyes and when he realised what he was doing, his eyes widened, moving off of you quickly as he mumbled dozens of apologies.

"What time did you guys get up?" You asked as you leaned on your elbows, squinting from the bright light across the big windows.

"Just then" Harry giggled as he watched Tom who had bright pink cheeks.

"Tom, why were you touching me?" You asked, your brain feeling a little more awake now.

"Hey, I didn't even know i was doing it" He whined and you only gave out a small laugh.

Around 10 in the morning, you all were getting prepared for the day. You all took turns to take a shower and while the those people were having a shower, the ones left behind were preparing breakfast. For today's breakfast, you and Harrison made some scrambled eggs with veges mixed in and some waffles topped with fruits and Nutella.

"Y/n, how do you want these cooked?" He asked as he began to put batter in the waffle maker.

"Just golden enough but make one golden brown around the edges for me, thanks" You said as you continued to mix in the scramble eggs just how you like it.


Minutes later, Tom and Harry came out at the same time, Tom wearing a mint green hoodie with sweats and Harry wearing a dark green jumper.

"Tom, can you continue making scrambled eggs and Harry can you make a couple more waffles please?" You pleaded as you immediately made your way to your bathroom.

"And dont leave the kitchen!" You yelled.

After a quick full body shower, you applied some moisturiser and lip balm, getting dressed in a red wooly sweater with some black joggers. As you walked out of the room, you began to smell something burning.

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