• December 12 •

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Get ready for a long chapter

"You have to be more specific about what you want Tom" You attempted to hide your smirk but that only riled Tom up.

"Y/n, you know what I mean" He whined, slipping into some pyjama pants.

"Whatever you say"


"Okay, okay, I know what you mean," You gave in, sitting down on his bed. "But not right now okay?"

"Your still sick remember?" You added and he just nodded in a agreement, finding his place by your side.

"Maybe tomorrow, if your all better" You smiled on this one.

"Really?" He sounded so giddy it made your heart burst.

"But you can't be sick anymore and the only way to do that is to get some rest" You said patting his shoulder as he smiled. All of a sudden, It was as if an idea snapped inside of him when he began pulling you up by your hand and leading you to your bedroom.

"Tom, what are you doing?" You chuckled.

"Goodnight darling, " He said as he pushed you inside your room and slammed the door shut.

"I'll be all better by tomorrow," His voice was muffled by the walls "promise!" you could only laugh at his excitement.

You laughed, turning around to spot your blue vibe still sitting there on your nightstand. You dont know what was going to happen tomorrow but you smiled nonetheless at the upcoming moments that you were yet to experience with Tom.
It was around 9 am when you woke up and surprisingly everyone was still asleep. It was 9:15 exactly when you walked out from you and Tom's shared bathroom to find Tom sprawled out upsidedown on his bed.

The sight made you laugh quietly and you couldn't resist taking a picture and setting it as your locksreen for now.

You checked Harry and Harrisons room to find them both in a deep sleep aswell, judging by Harry's snoring and Harrison's hanging mouth.

You decided to get them all breakfast in bed since you were feeling a little in the weather this morning despite what was going on outside. The snow kept changing its pace. One minute it would be blazing harshly and the next minute it would slow down almost to a stop. The snow that was building up outside your door was definitely increasing and you wondered how you were even going to get out of the house.

You pulled up your sleeves to your hoodie as you began to make the batter for the waffles. After cooking and adding a nice chocolate drizzle on top, you started to wash some fruit and cut it to accompany the waffles on the side. You put fresh strawberries, raspberries and slices of banana too. With a little bit of music playing in the background, you had finished up quite quickly. On each breakfast tray, there was a drink, the plate of food, the boys vitamins and some cutlery. Since Harrison was still sick, you made him tea just how he likes it. As for Harry and Tom, you had made them your special hot chocolate recipe. You weren't sure if Tom was all healed, but judging by his physical self yesterday, he would be better by now.

You added a little powdered sugar on top of the plates for good measure and began to grab one of the trays to Harry's room since his room was the closest to the kitchen.

You walked inside without knocking to avoid waking the others but when you did, he was already awake, with his phone in his hand, surprised by the tray of food you had brought in with a smile.

"Is it my birthday?" He asked seriously and you laughed.

"Can't I be nice for once?" You retorted as you placed the tray on his lap when he sat up more comfortably.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now