• December 21 •

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"Shit, Y/n, you okay?" Harry asked worriedly as he approached you and moved the hair off your shoulders.

Your eyes widened and you chuckled lightly.

"I'm fine, Baz" You said, hoping he'd understand what the purple mark that was on your neck.

Harry and Harrison had finally come back home at lunch when Harry noticed something on you.

"..Oh right," He finally understood but was still a little worried. "Geez, what'd he do to ya?" Harry gasped and you had to laugh and push him away this time.

"Harry it's normal, now get changed and stop staring, you reek" He walked away, giving you a glare.

Harrison then came into view, tackling you in a small hug.

"Oh, okay, hello to you too" You smiled.

"That was really fun!" He still looked drunk but actually he was quite sober and supringly, not hungover.

"You and Tom need to come with us next time" He pleaded and when you paused to think, he too, noticed the bruise on your neck.

"You two had fun last night?" He smirked.

"Yes, actually, the house was peaceful without you two and we had fun setting up christmas lights in my room" You said smugly, trying not to reveal too much.

"Oh, yeah? what else did you two do in your room?"

This time you glared and turned him around to push him to the direction of his room.

You sighed, continuing to make lunch for everyone.

Tom eventually came out of his room after being lazy on his phone, to see what you were doing. The smell teased his nostrils as he entered the kitchen with a waft of what you were making, and it made him realise that he was actually hungry.

"Oh my god that smells really good" He immediately tackled the bowl of rice and salmon he saw on the bench with a spoon nearby before you even finished it.

"Hey, back off, it's almost ready anyways" You slapped his hands away.

You were making a salmon rice with mayonnaise and nando sauce instead of siracha, to make a little bit of a difference in the regular recipe. You also cut up some squared nori for all of you to share to accompany the rice with. And obviously you couldn't forget about the cucumbers, since none of you liked kimchi.

"Call the boys over then"

He immediately left, fetching them so that he could also eat. He wasn't aware that they were home already but he couldn't care less. He was lucky enough to find them all dressed after their showers and almost yelled at them due to his eagerness of stuffing his mouth with food.

As soon as he got back with the boys, you had finished your rice bowl and began plating them evenly, leaving a few in the bowl for seconds. They all sat down at the dining table as they watched you put avocado slices on their plates neatly with such style.

"Shit, Y/n, this looks so good" Harrison oogled at the simple dish in front of him.

"Did you write the recipe down?" Harry asked meanwhile Tom already began to gobble up his plate, almost dropping every nori piece he took using his chopsticks. He eventually gave up on the chopsticks and used his fingers to which he moaned at as he got more in his bite this time.

"Slow down, Thomas, you could choke" You said in concern before sitting down on your chair.

"Sorry mum" He said but his tone was all serious and his face didn't change one bit. Harry and Harrison both looked up as growing smiles began to lift on their faces while you raised your eyebrows at Tom. Once he noticed the table being quiet, he realised what he said and his eyes widened as he stopped chewing his food abruptly to slowly turn his head to be faced with your slow growing smirk.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now