• December 24 •

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"Your unbelievable, you know that?" You groaned.

It was currently early in the morning, that you found a smiling, sleepy Tom spooning you from behind.

"When did you get here?" You whined as you sat up and looked down at him.

"As soon as you fell asleep" He said sheepishly.

"Toooom" You whined.

Although he did give you that kiss from last night, it didn't stop you from worrying about passing on what you had to Tom. It also didn't stop you from not letting him sleep beside you, but you were out like a light and Tom took advantage of that.

You really hope he wouldn't get sick.

"Go take a shower and rid yourself of me"

"But, Y/n-"


He whined again at your tone and although he looked very adorable with that pout and tone, he got up because its probably for the best.

"When you get out, " You said, stopping him before he's able to leave in the shared family bathroom out the hall. "We can have a cuddle"

He grinned and left even quicker, causing you to smile and shake your head at the boy you now call yours.

It wasn't even 5 minutes in from just scrolling on your phone that you heard a knock on the door. To your surprise, Nikki walked in with two cups of tea.

"Oh, Good Morning Nikki!" You greeted happily.

Something about the morning of Christmas Eve. Just something special that you couldn't quite explain.

"So," She started, taking a seat on the end of the bed as she gave you a mug of tea and placed the other one on the bedside table. "What was that kiss last night, Y/n?" She grinned.

"Yea, umm, I guess we finally came to our senses.." You trailed, not knowing what to really say.

"So your really together?" She asked, her tone changing almost into a gossip-ey one.

"Yea, we are, " You smiled as she did too. "I really love him" You chuckled at the end to not make it sound so cheesy.

"Oh, hey mum!" Tom greeted, all dressed and ready for that cuddle.

Tom didn't bring any clothes with him in the shower, so all he had was a towel wrapped around his waist, water still dripping everywhere.

"Morning Thomas"

Tom didn't hesisitate to tackle you into a messy cuddle, making Nikki laugh at both your antics.

You whined and tried to wiggle under him but was no use.

"You promised a cuddle, so here we are" He reasoned as he pushed himself off you slightly to look at you.

"Yea, but we could've done it in a more..civil way"

You didn't know when Nikki left but she was gone by the time Tom finally agreed on a calm and, dry cuddling. It was fair that she left since you and Tom bantered non-stop for who knows how long. 

The morning of the Christmas Eve was well spent, enjoying eachothers companies, playing alot of games with the kids and having a wonderful breakfast together made by Sam ofcourse. Since he was constantly learning from cooking school, this was a perfect opportunity for him to show off his skills and actually make food for people and not just at his home.

He made several dishes with the help of some other family members and made sure to write a list of ingredients that people didn't prefer to really make the best out of his cooking. You were all so proud of him for working towards his passion, giving him hugs and some playful pecks on his cheeks.

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