• December 4 •

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It was early in the evening when you were wrapping presents with Tom. Harrison and Harry were in their own rooms doing the same, to make sure that no one ruins the surprise. Tom finished wrapping his very few presents a while ago so he decided to help you since you were the one that was giving the most gifts. You made sure to wrap Tom's presents before he begins to help you to make sure that he wouldn't see his gifts.

"You really went all out didn't you?" Tom said as he began working on the next item.

"Yea of course" You replied.

Each of you had used your own individual speakers to play music around the house so it wasn't the best atmosphere to concentrate in, but you didn't mind the noise, finding it rather comforting instead. Later in the evening you would all get ready for a family friends gathering at the beach.

"I love this jumper" He scoffed, as he picked it up, knowing that this wasn't his gift.

Except maybe it was...

Your eyes widened and you snatched it from him, standing up to go shove it in his gift bag in your room.

You came back and sat down, Tom giving you a confused look.

"What was that for?"

"There was a tag on it" You quickly came up with a lie which actually surprised you.

You had found a sweater in a store that does custom embroidery on clothes and you thought of the perfect opportunity to give the boys each a pair of their own unique style. You couldnt decided which one you should do for Tom so you gave him two. That being a spiderman logo in the corner of the sweater and the other sweater with Tess in the centre. Harry would be getting a simple camera on one sweater and Harrison would have his face frame carved on his. Harrison's one really impressed you because it looks exactly like him, despite the lack of facial features. The artist was damn good at his job.

"If the tag was still on it, why'd you leave it in your room?" He questioned further.

You couldn't answer him, leading him to an assumption.

"That wasn't my present was it?" Tom smirked.


Tom raised his eyebrows at your sudden tone.

"I mean, no they're not yours" You said. Tom only gave you a look and continued wrapping the item in his hand.

You sighed, bringing yourself off the floor and back into your room.

Tom felt a harsh force from a soft  material hitting his face and when it landed on his lap, he smiled.

"Thank youuuuuu" He said childishly as he hugged the sweater close to his body.

There was no getting out of this since he already saw it, so might as well give it to him now.

"Surprise ruined" You grunted as you sat down on the floor.

"I love it! No surprise was ruined" Tom beemed with excitement.

"Woah, nice jumper bro" Harry said as he entered the car. He saw yours too and his eyes lit up.

"You too Y/n" He smiled and you returned it.

While you were at the shop, there were so many designs running through your mind but you thought this one was perfect for you. The design was a body frame group picture with you, Tom, Harry and Harrison; Your best buds. You had shown the guy at the shop a picture and he immediately took the offer, as he said he liked complicated designs.

"Wow, that looks exactly like us" Harry kept staring at your chest and you chuckled admiring the jumper too.

"What looks like us?" Harrison asked as he finally entered the car. Harry pointed to where he was looking at and Harrison smiled.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now