• December 8 •

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You began to feel your eyes drift as the cold began to seep deep within your body, past through the heavy amounts of blankets. It was probably already 12am, knowing from how long its been dark. Tom couldn't fall asleep either as the cold was bothering him. This scenario right now, reminded you of that one scene on the titanic and you just hoped that none of you would have to suffer such loss.

Tom noticed your chest heave deeper up and down and he couldn't help but feel something was wrong.


"I'm scared" You whispered as you kept staring at the clouded windows that showed nothing but darkness.

You were in the woods, inside your car, with no heat and light and no one insight. Ofcourse you were scared, who wouldn't be? Apparently Tom.

"Its okay, " He moved even closer to you if that was possible, holding your hand close to him, faces inches apart.

He kissed your cheek lovingly and it helped a little but the clouded, dark windows were still bothering you. He glanced at the direction your eyes were drifting up and gently cupped your face with his palm, moving it to face him.

"Just look at me, okay?" He said and he leaned down just a centimetres to kiss your lips, considering that your faces were already so close.

It felt strange to kiss ones lips that felt so cold, and breath so hot, but nonetheless, you were glad it was Tom that you were sharing kisses with.

All of a sudden he started singing. A song, so old, but so nostalgic and familiar, that you started smiling and tearing up just by listening to the first few words.

You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes, just from remembering the memories that were so dearly attached to this piece of music.

"You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You never noticed how much I love you....." He whispered the last words.

"Please don't take my Sunshine away" You sang along with him.

You awoke to a harsh breeze that you felt around your head, squinting your eyes to see what's going on.

You heard voices and thats when Tom stirred awake slowly, above you.

"Ma'am, Sir, are you alright?" Someone asked. You nodded immediately and that's when you felt relief wash over you, knowing that someone had finally found you and Tom. The only thing you hopped for now, was that they were able to take you home.

"I'm officer Kennedy, along with one of your family-" The offcuts began but you cut him off.

'Wait, they're here?" You asked frantically.

"Yes, they're here to escort the both of you home."

"Tom? Y/n? You alright kids?" You heard a soft loving voice, knowing its Nikki's.

"Were not kids mum" Tom grumbled as the both of you sat up awake, so ready to go home.

"Were sorry to have you wait for so long but if all is good, you'll be able to go home" He said to you.

Despite it being a few good hours since yesterday, the storm was still pretty strong and you could barely open your eyes from how harsh the wind was blowing.

"What about the car?" Tom asked as he shivered, gripping you to life.

"We'll place a perimeter around it to ensure it stays put for the time being." He practically yelled through all the noise the snow storm was creating.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now