• December 20 •

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"Oi, that's cheating, that's cheating!" You went off at Harry.

"You can't cheat when your snowball fighting!?" Harry laughed as he reasoned.

"You can when it's twice the size of my head!"

"Too bad your too small to make this masterpiece!" He yelled across the yard as began to pick up his biggest snowball. Meanwhile Tom was beside you laughing and giggling whilst he abused Harrison with snowballs. The dude just couldn't see properly without his glasses and was too lazy to get them from inside so he gladly let Tom attack him whilst he cackled at his useless self.

You were too busy watching them that you didn't notice the massive ball of white heading towards you and before you know it, your vision was covered and you were on the ground heaving and gasping at the fact that Harry just destroyed you with a massive ball of snow. You can hear his curses and giggles fade as he ran back to his base with Harrison.

"Fuck this" You whispered before running towards Harry and tackling him on the ground. You got on top of him, covering him in snow as he whined and complained none stop. He was beginning to get a grip on you so you stood up to run but when you got to your base, you almost face planted but luckily Tom caught you.

"Woah, you good─shit" Tom was cut off.

Seeing blood run down from the side of your head got him concerned and he realised what was happening. The fact that you almost fell and to see that gash on the side of your head, alerted him that you were feeling dizzy from the hit you got by something that was in the snowballs you guys were throwing.

You didn't even realise that you were beginning to feel woozy because of the adrenaline from constantly running around and laughing.

"Oh, you silly girl" Tom mumbled with a small smile after alerting Harrison and Harry of your situation. He glanced down at you on his lap as he moved the hair away from your giddy face.

"I'm fine, seriously" You giggled. You were actually not quite fine. Although you only felt a little loose in the head, being dizzy from a gash like that wasn't healthy and good. The impact must've been really harsh for you to feel dizzy.

Tom carried you inside, making sure your head was secured on his shoulder whilst he sat you up on the sofa gently and removing your now wet coat. Your fun snowball fighting involuntary closed to an end and you all wished it left on a good note, but the boys felt bad that you got hurt.

Tom adjusted a pillow under your head to give you more comfort.
It was then that you actually felt the sting on your skin from the gash.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry" Harry apologised as he brought a wet a rag and a first aid kit.

"T'was nobody's fault" You shook your head.

Everyone sat around you for a minute or so just to comfort you and after you told them off, they obviously listened. Atleast they got the closure they needed that you were indeed well and okay.

You decided to change out of your wet clothes after Tom finally let you go as he saw that you were feeling better.

"Hey guys, Harry and I are going to meet up with some old friends at the puttshack, "

"Our one?" Tom asked.

"Yep" Haz said.

"Okay, well, stay safe," Tom said.

"And please don't get too wasted, you guys are a pest to take care of when your loosing it" You said, coming out of the hallway with something in your hands. They chuckled lightly and reassured you they would stay true to your words. Well they were going to try, atleast.

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