• December 22 •

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"Here, drink some tea" Tom offered, holding the mug to your mouth.

The droopy eyes and lack of good posture was evident in the state of your health. How unlucky for your immune system to give up on you just after a fun night. Luckily it wasn't alcohol poisoning or infections. Apparently the sudden change in temperature around the atmosphere from cold to hot was something your body did not like and unfortunately it gave up trying on you. So yea, you won't be visiting any clubs any time soon.

You were currently sitting upright, tucked under your sheets with a stuffy nose, a growing headache and sore limbs from the activities of the night before. You felt so tired but you still kept trying to push yourself to try to be more physical than just lay in bed. Atleast someone was always there to accompany you.

"Hey about last night," Tom started, climbing in bed with you as he brought the sheets over his legs and wrapped an arm around you. "You got really drunk, Y/n"

His hand was gentle on you as he rubbed soft patterns on your side. Man you really wish you could smell him.

"Yea, I know"

"Are you alright, what were you thinking at that time, because I know full well that you don't just get drunk like that"

You pondered on a thought of response since you really weren't aware of your reason of intoxication. So you dug a little deeper in your head and tried to fish for those feelings that got you to act up. And then, it finally came to you.

"When I was alone," You started with a voice barely above a whisper. "And as cliche as it sounds, I found myself thinking of the past" Tom scrunched his eyebrows in response as he placed your mug on the side table to give you more attention.

"I wasn't aware that I was drinking my feelings away. I really wasn't. And I tried to play it off like i was just having fun so I could atleast blur the memories that were haunting me, even just for a tiny bit."

Soft and warm hands rubbed your arms and you turned your head to see Tom pouting at you.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there" He whispered and you chuckled.

"Tom, it wasn't anybody's fault. It's just a simple thing that people go through, and I, unfortunately, did not handle that greatly on my part"

The harsh scratch of your voice followed by the pout on your face made Tom's mouth waver almost in a cry.

"Its okay" But you reassured him and he only kissed your forehead.

"Just don't do that next time, " Tom pleaded. "Please"

"I promise I wont" You replied with a smiled, pecking him on the neck. Your arms found their way around his chest and you attempted a relaxing inhale from the comfortable position, but was blocked by your stuffy nose.

A knock was heard and Harry's presence appeared by the door.

"Hey, Y/n, we made you breakfast" He said, entering the room with Harrison in tow with a tray full of food.

"Oh, guys, you didn't have to. I was just gonna stay in bed for a bit"

"Y/n, I know it's weird that were feeding you instead of you feeding us, but you have to remember, " He chuckled. "We're family"


Harrison placed the tray neatly on your blanket covered lap and when his gentle hand layed resting on your shoulder, your eyes began to feel a wave of heat.

"Thank you" Your voice quivered the tiniest bit and you wiped your tears quickly to hide your emotions that made you feel weak.

"Y/n, you don't have to hide that your crying" Harry said as he sat by your feet, rubbing soft circles on them through the blanket.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now