• December 1 •

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What a year it has been...

You had quite an experience this year with many ups and downs, ranging from hormonal mental breakdowns to exciting, thrilling kind of memories. You were glad that you had a group of people to help you out on your Journey and you were most definitely there for them as well. All the difficult paths that you and your bunch had gone through had lead to a destination far more than what a miracle could ask for. And you would not trade anything for that.

But its not exactly quite over yet. The year might end in one more month, 31 days and several hundred more hours, but it will also welcome a brand new one.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone shouted as they hid from their hiding spots.

"AND Merry Christmas!" You retorted, making everyone else laugh as you tried to change the subject.

"My good pal is turning 23, " Tom said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, shaking it with a wild smile.

"What do you plan to do on this lovely evening, Y/n?" Dom asked with a bright smile.

"Oh I don't know, maybe a few drinks at the pub then-" You began.

"So were not going to dinner together?" Paddy asked, worriedly.

It was nice evening in Tom's house with the Hollands and as well as your friends. You had recently came home from your job as an assistant at the film production Tom's working on at the moment. To be more specific, Tom's PA.

"I'm kidding Pads of course were going to dinner," You said as you walked over to the boy. "can't leave my fam like that on my birthday." You added making him smile.

"Alright are we ready?" You asked everyone else who stood around you.

"Aren't you gonna change into something more comfortable?" Nikki asked as everyone began filing out the hallways and into the snowy outdoor, leading into the car.

"Oh I won't be a moment." You replied, quickly making your way to your room.

Once there, you quickly removed your old top and sprayed some deodorant to freshen up. You attempted to look for a sweater but you realised you have yet to put the washing on the line which you forgot to do this morning.

With a huff, you headed to Tom's room and made your way straight into his closet, searching for that one blue sweater that fit you perfectly. For you, oversized was the perfect fit for any article of clothing and all of Tom's clothes were your exact match.

Tom also was planning to change when he heard heavy rattling inside his closet. He peeked through the small gap to see you messing up his hangers all while wearing a bra and jeans.

"And what are you up to missy?"

"Where's my jumper?" You asked almost grumpily. He smiled at your frustration, pointing towards the highest shelf on the cupboard.

"You mean my jumper?"

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" You ignored what he said and glared at him.

He only shrugged as he watched you leap towards the shelf with heavy grunts. Tom might be the most pure and innocent boy you know but you were so oblivious to the fact that he was admiring a certain portion of your body this whole time. You knew he made dirty jokes here and there, but you never knew he saw you in that type of way. Tom immediately stopped biting his lip to which he didn't notice he was doing and chuckled at your attempts.

You couldnt take the jumping anymore and opted to stand on a shelf, finally being able to reach the damn thing.

"Okay, " You panted, lifting the sweater over your head. "Let's go."

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now