• December 2 •

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You weren't expecting to feel so hot and and humid during a weather like this but that's what you felt when you woke up.

You awoke with a small gasp and your covers thrown over your bed.  The fact that you didn't know what made you feel so anxious heightened your fear even more, your breathes beginning to feel heavy, hearing your heart rate increase.

You've had nightmares before, maybe more frequently than the average human being, but you've always been brave enough to handle them on your own. But this one couldn't cut it.

You leaped of your bed and quickly made your way to the closest room to one of the boy's which was Harrison's room. You opened the door to his room not so quietly and without processing your thoughts, you leaped onto his bed and curled yourself by his side. You felt him stir as small tears rushed down your face.

He felt a small body by his side, immediately notifying him that it was you.

"Y/n? Hey you okay?" He felt your arms tighten around his torso and he moved to sit so he could wrap his arms around you instead.

It broke his heart to see your face so blunt with expression and tears pooling under the whites of your eyes. You were always a caring, kind, innocent, cocky human being so seeing you on this side, was a big comparison from the persona you show other people.

He rubbed your back up down as you buried your face into his chest to hide your expression.

"What happened?" He asked.

"i-i don't know" You attempted to hide the shakiness in your voice but was unsuccessful. Haz felt sadness wash over him as the girl he's been very close friends with is crying effortlessly in his arms.

"Here, let's get you to Tom, yea?" He offered but before you could protest, he carried you out of bed and let you stand up while his arm is wrapped around your shoulders.

Harrison knew you and Tom. He knew that both of you were one of the closest people out of the entire family and friend groups they associated with out there. Bringing you to Tom was all he could come up with as he tried to help you. Nothing else came to mind, but the thought of Tom comforting you and he respected and praised that alot.

Both your footsteps padded through the floor, all the way to Tom's room. To both of your surprise, he wasn't in his bed but in his bathroom, just finished brushing his teeth.

"Tom" Harrison said to get his attention which he flinched slightly to the sound of another voice in his room. He turned around to find you beside Harrison's arms, eyes red and a sad expression plastered on your face.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked as he walked to stand in front of you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, his minty breath filling your nostrils. He glanced at Haz to ask what happened only with the motion of his facial expressions to which he replied with a small shrug. Haz gave you a small rub before he left you and Tom alone, closing the door on the way out.

"You want to tell me what happened?" He asked softly, leading you to sit on his bed.

"I dont know," You shrugged.

"I just woke up feeling like this. I dont even know what I dreamed about, all I knew was that I was scared" Your voice cracked on the last word, feeling annoyed at yourself for not being strong enough. He saw your lips quiver and you looked away to avoid letting him see you cry.

"Shh. Come here. It was just a nightmare" He assured, pulling your body towards his and wrapping his arms around your shoulders while you attempted to stop your silent cries.

You truly have no idea why you were feeling this way in the middle of the night but you couldn't be more grateful that someone was there with you through these hard times.

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