• December 25 •

859 17 3

Christmas morning was deemed to begin as a magical introductory to the most awaited day of the year. Where movies make them as magical as they seem with their music, their lights, decorations, and people that sing Christmas carol along the streets.

Your morning was something else. It wasn't perfect like how the movies made it look, but it somehow felt better, starting off by a pair of warm lips that settled against your own. You weren't sure how long, but long enough for you to feel very warm and cosy.

Your eyes adjusted to what you could only see was brown. That's when you realised how close Tom was to your face and how you pushed him away, his smile widening at your awake.

"It's Christmas" He whispered in a smiley tone gently to soothe your transition out from your unconsciousness. Oh sweet boy.

You were still a bit incoherent from your unbelievably good sleep so all you could still think about was seeing brown first thing on the morning of Christmas.

"Chrimas?!" You grogged, daring to close your eyes to get more sleep.

"Darling its 7am, everyone is downstairs already"

"shit" You whined.

After a few patient seconds of laying on the bed, Tom helped you get up to shower and get dressed within a matter of 15 minutes. He even helped you pick out an outfit which was perfect for this Christmas day.

Just as you gave Tom a look to help you put on a necklace, your eyes took a glance out the balcony where you could see quite a crowd at the ice rink already.

"What is everyone doing up so early?!"

"It's Christmas, Y/n" Tom chuckled.

"Hmmm, still"

As you walk down the flight of stairs, everyone had just started eating on the long line of tables. You had many exchanges of Merry Christmas's as you passed through until you found your seat next to Tom and Harry.

"Geez Tom, what took you so long?" Harry asked from beside you.

"What do you mean, he helped me get ready in like 15 minutes?" You responded to Harry.

"Nah, he was gone for like 30 minutes, we waited ages for yous"

You turned to look at Tom, who was filling up his plate, as if he didn't just hear that. You were confused but the more you stared at him, the more you realised what this meant.

"Tom, why did you take so long to wake me up?"

He just shrugged and didn't even look at you.


"I dont know" He chuckled with a defensive tone.

"Were you just like, i dont know.. staring at me? Or something?"

"Was I?"

You gasped and Harry awwed in shame.

"We were all down here waiting for you to wake Y/n up and for most of the time you were just staring at her?"

Tom didn't reply and just quickly pecked your cheek in a guilty manner.

"Unbelievable" Harry shook his head.

"You got me a guitar!?" Paddy exclaimed in excitement.

"Mum and Dad approved so why not" You smirked and Nikki and Dom smiled. You decided to let him open his other present you gave him later when everyone else opens yours.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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