• December 14 •

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I didn't want to wait any longer so im posting this on a second draft. Might have a couple mistakes. Anyways enjoy!

"Wakey, wakey!"

The first thing that brought you out of your unconsciousness was the sound, specifically from a red curly head boy, that practically yelled in your ears. Meanwhile Harrison was hitting Tom with pillows but Tom layed lifeless on the bed, almost making you chuckle.

"Harry, " You groaned, eyes closed. "Yes, babe" He mockingly greeted you.

"Shut up"

"Fine, no free breakfast for any of you."

"Breakfast?" Tom snapped up on his elbows, eyes squinting and suddenly he was awake.

You began to sit up, adjusting to the light, beaming from the opened windows. The sound of breakfast certainly made you hungry and the fact that they mentioned it was free, got you awake just a little bit more.

"Why are we getting free breakfast?" You asked as you sat up more comfortably, sheets covering your lap.

"Harry and I woke up early and since you gave us free breakfast, why not return the favor"

"You didn't break anything did you?" Tom asked groggily from beside you.

"No" They both said at the same time but you could tell there was a hint of something that just added to their tone.

Perhaps, mischief?

"Oh and we got you a present, Y/n"

They gave you a small gift bag with small wrapping paper in it, adding to the suspense of what it could be.

"I dont trust this"

You opened it nonetheless and what you saw made your heart rate speed up, blush making its way across your cheeks.

"Not again"

"What is it- oh" Tom said, looking over.

"Seriously? Whyyyyy?" You whined as you grabbed your present and threw it at Harry's chest, Making him groan at the contact as he caught it.

"Hey, you'll break it"

"I dont need another one" You whined even more.

"Harry thats really big" Tom mentioned.

"Thats the point" Harrison smiled.

You saw Harry silently walk towards the bedside table next to you with a small smirk as he placed your unwanted present inside the top drawer.

"Whatever, just give us our breakfast" You sighed heavily, slumping your back against the head board.

They began to walk out your door not before yelling, "Have fun!"

Tom looked at you with that stupid, stomach gushing smile as he leaned over to grab your new present from the drawers.

You took your time, scanning his face with your roaming eyes. His hair a complete morning mess, his eyes that wrinkled when he smiled and those beautiful hazel orbs that you probably could stare at forever.

"Fuck...this is gonna hurt" Tom said as he looked at the size of new purple, vibrator.

"Tom!" You slapped his chest, grabbing the thing and shoving it back in the drawers.

He saw a glimpse of the size comparison with your hand when you grabbed it and he tried hard to hide the little tingle his groin made just from the thought. He tried to avoid them as much as possible, feeling dirty of always thinking like that, but it came to a point where he just accepted, because he really couldn't stop himself. Especially with you.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now