• December 13 •

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"Holy shit" You said as you opened the front door to be met with a wave of heavy of cold snow.

It was around 12, just after you all had lunch and the weather had certainly got better. The wind was shallow almost non-existent, just the heavy remains of snow and fallen branches scattered around the city. The view from outside, after a storm casted beautiful rays of light across town. The sky was a pale blue while the streets were littered with white snow.

It was definitely a sight you would never get sick off, despite its consequences.

Harrison temperature had gone back to normal, only having a heavy load of snot and you were glad that he was able to pick up his own tissues and do his own chores now.

"Alright, get to work," You pushed through the wet snow. "This snow isn't going to shovel itself"

After an hour and a half of shovelling snow from the driveway, you were all able to drive out with no problem. The only problem now was the slippery roads so you decided that it was best to let the snow melt for a couple weeks before using your cars.

You watched as Harry pulled Harrison to the middle of the road, positioning him to his liking. Harrison complied happily as Harry snapped multipe photos of him on his phone.

"Can one of yous grab my camera from my room?"

Before you could speak, Tom beat you first.

"Yea, where is it?"

"Its on my desk!" He yelled back.

Tom then ran into the house, careful not to slip as Harry began to walk towards you.

"Come on" He then grabbed your hand and pulled you where Harrison was standing.

"No, no, no, no pictures please"

"Y/n, just join Haz" He said as he firmly placed his hands on your shoulders to keep you still beside a smiling Haz. Harry positioned himself in front again and before he was going to press the button, he noticed you standing awkwardly beside Harrison who laughed at your figure.

"Harrison, help her out," Harry giggled as he snapped a picture of you standing awkwardly. "Y/n, just stand normal" He groaned but laughed nonetheless.

Harrison then wrapped his arms around your shoulders from the side as he gave a wrinkly smile at the camera. You laughed at his facial expression, giving Harry the perfect opportunity to capture a candid shot of you and Haz.

Tom came out and gave Harry his camera before he pouted at you and Haz.

"Whas wrong Tommy?" You said as he continued pouting.

"Come here, you div" Harrison as he waved Tom over while his arms were still around you.

Tom smiled giddly as he approached you with open arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist, squashing you tight in the middle. Harry had taken shots from the interaction as he maybe able to get good shots from the natural occurrence.

You felt your body getting squashed as the two boys hugged you tightly. You laughed as Harry gave multiple praises about how cute you, Tom and Harrison were.

"Guys, give her a quick kiss for me will ya?" Harry asked but sounded more like a demand.

Tom and Haz, placed there lips on your cheeks as you smiled at the sensation of their cute plump lips. They held it for a couple of seconds before Harry informed he got the shot.

"I'll send you all the photos after I edit them"

After having a look at Harry's photos, you were very impressed of how natural it looked considering how you were the person in the middle who doesn't know how to act naturally when it comes to photos.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 ➪t.hollandWhere stories live. Discover now