• December 11 •

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Ever since your birthday during early December, you've been having unique morning encounters recently. The usual mornings included getting up, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, do some chores etc, without any interruptions. But Ever since December started, things have been different. Such as that one time when you woke up to having an awful nightmare. Or that one time Haz was caught watching some naughty videos on his laptop. And not to mention that one forbidden time that no one ever dares to mention about the packs of vibrators you had opened in a box that the boys had gifted to you when you woke up on your birthday. It wasn't only embarrassing but you also found it slightly sexy and somewhat seducing.

But this morning was definitely one that will stood out amongst your other mornings.

The first thing you woke up to was the feel of something hard just under your bum. Now you didnt know what it was as you just got back from unconsciousness so waking up to this feeling was definitely strange. The next thing that your senses picked up was the sound, specifically from a sleeping Tom behind you, who had arms tightly wrapped around your waist and thats when you realised what was going on.

You shook the boy softly in the beginning but he only muttered incoherent words and continued to push his hips towards your own, which almost reached a certain part that you would hope he wouldn't reach.


This time he woke up fully to your harsh force and loud voice which scared the fuck out of him. But you felt a little out of your skin since he was grinding his morning wood on you just as you woke up.

He didn't realise what was going on so he asked.

"What, what's wrong?"

"You were rubbing on me" You said groggily as you tried to stand up but his hands were still around your waist.

"Wait dont leave me" He begged.

"Tom, you need to deal with that boner" As you said that, he looked down to see his usual morning situation going terribly down south and he covered it immediately as he blushed. It wasn't exactly from embarrassment as you'd seen him in worse situations. I guess you could say he blushed from the feeling of his horny self wanting more.

You almost reciprocated his actions but you snapped out of your thoughts.

"I'll be in my room, and when your done, just knock on the wall" You said as you unwrapped his arms and stood up to walk out, leaving his door half open.

You rushed to the comfort of your bed, digging yourself closer to your bedsheets, as you smooshed a pillow between your legs like you usually do. But this time the pillow didn't bring any comfort but a mild upcoming arousal that suddenly rose out of nowhere. It was all because Tom started that one movement that somehow triggered you.

You attempted to close your eyes and forget about it but your thoughts would always drift off to fantasies that were far too inappropriate and you were annoyed at yourself for thinking like that. You knew it was normal, for teenagers but not adults like you. In reality, it really was normal to have thoughts like these but it was weird to think about your bestfriend in that way. As for Tom though....

He'd been thinking about you in the most appropriate ways possible ever since he found a porn website when he was younger, around his teen years. But it still felt very strange for him. He really wished he could stop but eventually the thoughts became too excessive and intense that he just let it take over him.

You shoved the blankets off you harshly as you stood up to grab the box that was hidden behind the depths of your nightstand drawers.

It was a present from the boys this year. They had gifted it the moment you woke up on your birthday. They definitely recorded your reaction as you stared at the light blue, dildo vibrator and the purple big silicon dick, with a look of shock on your face.

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