• December 15 •

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"Bye guys!" You yelled as you slammed the door shut.

You began your small journey by first stepping outside your house to a beautiful sunny, snowy day. The air felt fresh, tinting your nose a tiny bit red as you inhaled the fresh scent of the season. The snow storm finally had stopped only to leave a small residue that only you would call magical. The snow was very thick indeed, but you were still able to get through it just with a little will power.

You wore a purple hoodie on top of a plain shirt and some boots and jeans.

You decided to take a stroll around the streets by yourself, letting the path guide you in all sorts of adventure. Going for a stroll wasn't something you'd usually do on your, having the boys to accompany you, but this time, it felt right. Just to have a moment by yourself is sometimes all you needed.

It didn't even take 10 minutes for you to stumble upon something that you found amusing.

The noise was the first thing that caught your attention, subtle but loud. The sounds of joyful laughter echoed across the street and the sight of children and families littered the small area. It was such a joyful sight, it almost made your heart melt.

People were constantly walking up on a hill, sliding down on their make shift sleds as they all barked with excitement.

The hill was a decent size for walking up and sliding down. It was located a few blocks beside your street, and the hill lead to another park up top. You've never been to this park only to discover that it was right around the corner from your home!

You scoffed as a huge smile made its way across your already blushed face. You felt this overwhelmingly amount of joy, somewhere deep in your heart and that feeling gave you a brilliant idea. Within a few short minutes, you made it back home almost slipping on every step.

"Grab your shit were going out!" You shouted as you entered through your front door and into the living room where they layed, watching a movie.

They all looked at you in confusion before you explained everything to them. You had told Harrison to find the doughnut blow ups used in pools, while Harry grabbed his camera and jumper. Tom grabbed Harrison's jumper for him as you yelled at them to hurry up.

There really was no need to hurry but the excitement got your adrenaline high as you tried to keep your composure. You were simply just...excited. And there's absolutely no problem with feeling a little in the weather, even if it's just for today.

The boys all ran out of the door quickly with the same excitement they had on your face when you had found the place

"Hey Y/n, wait up!" Tom yelled before he pulled something round and blue out of his hoodie pocket.

You gasped and thanked him dearly for his amazing idea.

Once you all turned the corner, the place was buzzing with kids and their families. You saw some people your age and that instantly made you feel better about what you were about to do. 

Harrison and Harry carried the makeshift sleds while you walked over to the guy with a table stand that had snacks on the table. He was seated comfortably on his camping chair, hands buried in his warm coat.

He smiled as you approached him with a smile.

"Lovely day, innit" He greeted as he turned his head towards the hill.

"Yea its great," You replied with a chuckle. "Hey, can we play some music on our speakers and leave it hear with you while we sled?"

"Oh sure, go ahead," He laughed as he arranged the snacks on the table out his bags.

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