• December 5 •

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To start of the day, you all had tea and breakfast, and continued binge watching one of your TV shows. At around 12 in the evening just after lunch, you and Tom both got called to babysit Paddy and his friends. They were definitely old enough to handle themselves but Nikki and Dom don't trust the teenage boys to be alone in one house.

Nikki and Dom went shopping with Sam since he wasnt able to buy anything for Christmas because he's been busy with his culinary studies and now that it was the holidays, it was the perfect time for him to get settled into the season.

Knowing Harry and Harrison, they were asked not to come as they would accidentally create chaos somehow.

When you arrived, they were settled on the couch and bean bags, snacks only literring the floor as they had moved the coffee table to the side for more room.

"Hey guys!" You greeted, putting down your wallet and phone on the coffee table after entering from the the front door.

As your presence filled the whole room, the boys looked your way only for it to be completely silent after their loud chants from the game.

"You alright?" You asked, confused of their silence and staring.

Tom could practically feel the hormonal tension from the teenagers and he couldn't help but be confused of your blindness. He wondered how you were so oblivious to the fact that they were basically drooling over everything about you.

"Your Y/n?" One of the boy's asked and you nodded. He looked over at Paddy and smiled.

"James, no" Paddy hissed.

"Hi, I'm James" The boy greeted with a small wave.




"Luke" They all greeted simply.

You noticed the boy named James, scanning your body from top to bottom with a subtle smile on his face. Based of, of his actions, you probably shouldn't have already assumed what his personality was like, but the kid gave you goosebumps as he eyed you like how creepy men eye you. But he was a kid so you'll let it slide.

"By the way, we don't need babysitting, so you guys can go if you want" Barry said.

"Well too bad," You said as you sat down on the couch next to a blonde boy named Luke. "Because you'll have to deal with us until Dom and Nikki get back."

"It wouldn't be so bad if you stayed" James said with a smirk. He reminded you of Tom's cocky side when he feels a burst of confidence and you couldn't help but smile back. Paddy blushed, as he rubbed his temples embarrassingly from the interaction he witnessed between his favourite people.

You all turned your heads back to the game, the K.O symbol catching your eyes. You laughed as the screen displayed multiple Marvel and starwars characters, wearing Christmas themed outfits. Paddy and Jordan were the first to play as this game only consisted of two players. Paddy picking Thor dressed up as Santa Clause and Jordan picking Luke skywalker dressed up as a Christmas tree.

The game started off strong with cheers and chants from their friends and it soon turned to laughs as they realised how ridiculous the characters looked fighting against eachother with those costumes. You even joined in on of the games, laughing along with the boys as you found yourself aggressively handling the controller. You guys had a playstation back home too so you kind of found yourself getting addicted to the concept of killing someone whilst effectively knowing which techniques to use on the controller.

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