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Tulasi :- Hello Krishna ji!

Krishna :- Hello Tulasi ji! How are you doing?

Tulasi:- Ji! I am doing good. How are you doing?

Krishna:- Ji! I am doing good too. What did Pranav say for the alliance?

Tulasi : He said a yes to this wedding ji, I am so happy

Krishna : My daughter too gave her nod
Tulasi ji!

Tulasi : That's great! We could go to the pandit tomorrow ji! Is it okay for you?

Krishna :- Yess it would be great ji. Will 10am be okay?

Tulasi :-Yess Krishna ji

Krishna : Ji! That's great! I will inform Sahana about it and bring her along. Please inform Pranav beta also.

Tulasi : Sure! Sure! He would come along too.

Krishna : Good then! I will end the call now ji!

Tulasi : Yes ji! We will meet tomorrow

The call ended, both the parents were too happy.


Tulasi:- Pranu beta, I have talked with Krishna Ji and we both decided to go to Pandit ji's residence tomorrow at 10 am is it ok for you beta?

Pranav:- Yess Ma, I will clear out my schedule. Is she coming too ma?

Tulasi : (chuckles) Yes! She is coming too. Seems like my son is too eager to meet her once again.

Vijay enters the room, while folding his sleeves.

Tulasi : See, Vijay is here too. Let me tell him.

Vijay : About what ma?

Tulasi : Your brother said okay to an alliance dear. Soon there will be wedding bells in our home.

Vijay : What? Really mom? That's great! Is it Siya?

Tulasi : Who is Siya?

Pranav glared at Vijay and he kept quiet.

Pranav : Mom, you don't remember the girl who is Dad's close friend's daughter?

Tulasi : Oh yes! I do. Why did she come into this matter? Son are you in relationship or something with her?

Pranav : Ahem.. No ma! Nothing like that. She is my best friend

Vijay : (murmurs) Yes best girl friend

Pranav glares at him and he turns his head to the other side.

Tulasi:- Ok both of you go sleep! Good night!

Pranav:- Good night Ma!

Vijay : Good night ma!

Pranav : You come with me! I have some work with you.

Vijay : No no! Ma you called me? Yes I am coming.

He ran from there and escaped.

Sahana's home

Krishna:-Sahu beta, I talked with Tulasi Ji and we both decided to go to Pandit ji's residence tomorrow at 10 o'clock is it ok for you?

Sahana:- Yes dad it's fine with me, but will it be over by 11 o'clock cause I have a meeting at 11:30!

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