Chapter 25

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Pranav lost it, he dragged her into the room and locked it.

Pranav : Butterfly 🦋! What did you say huh?

Sahana : Leave me Pranav please!

Pranav : You can never hate me butterfly! Don't repeat that once again. Now sleep!

He threw her on the bed and went away from the room. He broke things in his room in frustration and drank the alcohol which was there on his table.

Sahana cried while she slept on the bed, she was not able to take the physical pain which was hurting like hell. She cried to sleep and after sometime he came into the room.

He removed the bandage and changed it after applying the medicine. Sahana felt it as he was doing it, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him.

Sahana : Why do you hurt me and then why do you heal me Pranav?

Pranav looked up at her but didn't answer. He completed changing her bandage and was about to go away from her.

Sahana : Don't go away Pranav. I know it's tough for you to open up to me, take your time Pranav but for once just for once try to be normal. Try to control your anger, be a good boss instead of the cocky one. People will respect you more than they do now. Just once Pranav for a month try being like that and if things won't change then I will listen and do to whatever you say. I promise. Are you ready for that?

Pranav : Why are you trying to intimidate me and trying to change me Sahana? What will it give you? Nothing! Absolutely nothing except for pain and pain only. Don't waste your time on me. I am not worth it Sahana.

Sahana : Why are you backing out Pranav? For my sake, for aunty's sake try it for only once. Just a month, thirty days that is all. You will definitely find some change. Acha wait! If you succeed in this, I will leave you forever. I won't disturb you nor come in your way ever again. Seems better?

Pranav stood there rooted. He never wanted to get rid of her, a thing that he never understood himself was why was he so cruel and a beast type for her when she did no harm to him. All she did was giving him his space and get married to him as he wished.

Pranav : Is that all you wish for Sahana?

She nodded and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Pranav : Fine! For the next thirty days I would try my best to control myself and behave like a good human. If I succeed or not you aren't going to leave me, that's final but the thing is if I succeed you will have to leave all your relations and live with me and only me. Is that okay with you?

Sahana was shocked, she didn't expect this but she was mentally prepared for something huge like this. She knew this would give her a lot of pain but she did not give up.

Sahana : Agreed! Now from this moment till a month you will behave like a good human unlike the beast you are. Now I will sleep for sometime. My hand is paining like hell.

Pranav : Shall we go to hospital lob?

Sahana : Too cringe eww!  Pranav this one month let's be friends. I won't hurt you and vice versa.

Pranav : Too much to take for a day! I will go and see the office work you better rest or else...

Sahana : Yea! Or else?

Pranav : Or else I know how to make you rest!

Sahana : Ah! Ah! You are not going to be evil for a month my arrogant beast husband.

Pranav : It's fine my over sweet and dramatic wifey! I can take care of my wife's health thats a nature of a good human right?

Sahana did not have an answer she just blushed turning her head to the other side.

Pranav : Fine whatever! I need to go and complete the office work, you please come after an hour and sum up the interviews you took and finalize the candidates.

Sahana nodded, and he left the room. Somehow she felt happy and satisfied that she was successful in her first step while Pranav was just confused how he did accept and promised her that he will change. He will change for her.

The thought itself made him chuckle the whole day he wasn't able to concentrate on the work. He kept on thinking about the conversation they had.

Sahana came to his room and sat on the couch beside him. He felt some weird sensations and shrugged his thoughts.

Pranav : Did you rest enough?

Sahana : Yea I did and all the interviews which were scheduled are done. I have finalized the candidates. Open the HR file in the folder and show me the resumes I will tell you which is finalized and which is not.

He nodded and they both worked for the next three hours straight. Sahana was tired and they knew they had to cook too.

Pranav : Sahana, enough for today. Let me go cool now! You must be hungry!

Sahana : Actually Pranav will you cook pizza today? I am craving for it since our wedding day.

Pranav : Oh my god! Pizza? I know how to cook a basic things but pizza is out of my legue.

Sahana : Oh god! How did I get married to a man who doesn't know how to make a pizza! Sigh move I will make it myself.

Pranav : No need you direct me and I will do it. Better?

Sahana : Fine! If you insist! The great Pranav Uppalapati following my instructions is a great thing.

To be continued..

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- Madhurima and Sakshi ❤️💜

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