Chapter 33

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Sahana : Pranuuu my babyy! Come lets goo!

Pranav : Sahana? Are you sure you aren't possessed? Get down here! I will drive back. I don't want to shop anything. Good Lord I would be satisfied if I will go home safe. You are creepy! 🙄

Sahana : Oh god! Pranav stop over reacting! Actually, there is a secret place which might be creepy but it's super peaceful. I will stay and set up things for our dinner. I kept the list of things which you need to bring, there is super market in 1km radius please bring the items without fail. Now run bye!

Pranav rolled his eyes and he drove from there knowing that it won't be any use arguing with her. After googling and checking the directions he reached the supermarket. He checked the list she wrote.

First was full of chips and chocolates and ice cream followed by instant noodles. He was irritated and didn't have any option other than doing that. After packing it all, he drove back to the place where he left her.

He dialled to her, but it was not reachable.

Pranav : Sahanaaa! Sahanaaa!

He shouts for her and walks in a straight direction seeing if he can find some human beings around. It was super creepy and he removed gun from his pocket gun holder and kept it ready.

He felt something move near the bushes and he slightly pushed them to a side and something jumped on him he shot the gun in air and it was none other than Sahana. She got scared and held him tight. She fell on him, he saw her eyes shut tight and after few seconds she opened her one eye and peeked around.

After confirming that everything is alright she looked at Pranav who was in a shock, she gave him a full tooth smile like a kid who stole candy and pretends that she didn't.

Pranav : Get off me Right now Sahana!

Sahana gets off him and falls on the other side, when Pranav was about to get up, she pulled him and both of them laid on their back. Pranav looked at her annoyingly.

Sahana : What? Don't give me that look. Instead look at the stars and the night sky. I felt you will love this place and you are a cold and a person who prefers private space more than someone intriguing your personal space. Nobody is here except me. I would have left too but for security purpose I need to stay back. No media, no business problems, no duties to think of. Just give yourself sometime. Every individual deserves it and so do you.

Pranav just looked at her in awe and turned his gaze towards the sky. It was calming and he just was becoming addicted to the darkness of the sky. It gave him different kind of peace which he never experienced.

Sahana : Pranav! Pranav!

She nudged him, but he was so lost in thoughts that he didn't realise what he was doing and where he was. For one last time Sahana called him and then slapped him on his cheek bringing him back to senses.

Pranav : WOMAN! What was the need to slap? Don't you have common sense that you can call people.

Sahana : Oh! So now I hope sir remembers that he should listen when someone calls. I have been calling you like a mad girl and when you didn't respond to me, I didn't have an option except for to slap you.

Pranav : Why did you call?

Sahana : My food! I am hungry Pranav!

Pranav : Here, take keys. Don't disturb me!

He handed keys to her, while pushed him to the other side and ran away from there.

Pranav : This girl! I won't be surprised if I go to jail for killing her. What does she think of herself? Oh no, wait! does she know the way to car? God knows I hope she doesn't get into some trouble.

He was still staring at stars and it's been more than an hour. Now he was restless first of all her useless phone was out of coverage area and now her not so useless brain doesn't work most of the time at least that's what he thinks.

He went to the car and was surprised to see her there in completely chill mode, munching her chips and her laptop in her lap. She was watching some comedy show and laughing carefree. Before he could adore her his conscious reminded him about the previous thing running in his brain.

Pranav : Sahana!

Sahana : Lol! *laughs holding her stomach* My stomach hurts! Why are they so funny?

Pranav : SAHANA?

Sahana : Pranav! What are you doing here?

Pranav : I came in search of you! No I thought you would have been eaten by some wild animal and I didn't want it to do it because you know that animal would become crazy and the whole place would be on a crazy mode.

Sahana : Wait! Since when did you start speaking so much! Its okay if I do, but you don't do it. It's irritating okay?

Pranav : Feelings are mutual my dear!

Sahana : You go and have your space. Let me see this. If you are here na you are equal to a father. You won't allow me to see things nor let me enjoy myself. Go away shoooo!

Pranav : I am going away then, don't call me back.

Sahana : We will be leaving in three hours so yea! I won't call you till then.

Pranav : I thought you would stay back all night. The number of snacks you wrote the supermarket people thought I was going to open some general store. On an average three people can eat it for a meal.

Sahana : Stop casting your evil eye on my food. Go away shoo!

Pranav pulled two chocolates from her and ran away. He could hear her cursing him and when he turned back to smirk at her he saw that some people with black masks surrounded her..

To be continued..

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