Chapter 41

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She held Pranav's hand and took him along with her. She took him into Krithi's room and locked it after pulling him in.

Pranav : Sahu, are you okay? What happened?

Sahana : Why are you behaving like this Pranav?

Pranav : Like what?

Sahana : I.. Sigh, what do you want now Pranav?

Pranav : What do you mean?

Sahana : Why are you being so sweet towards me and everyone? Why is Krithi's death affecting you as much as it did with me and Vijay? What are you, Pranav? Why can't I ever understand you? 

She broke down into tears and fell on the ground keeping her face and pushing her legs towards her. Her eyes were puffy and red. She has been crying since the evening and it's almost 6am then.

Pranav : Sahana, I know you aren't emotionally stable right now. We'll talk about it later. Will you accept me if the real me is this only? That's all I gotta ask you right now.

Sahana : Pranav, take me home please!

Pranav : Are you sure?

Sahana nodded and before he unlocked the door he heard a thud sound, he turned back to see her on the floor lying there unconscious. He held her in his arms and patted her cheeks. He shouted for Priya and Tulasi.

Priya : Oh my goodness! What happened to her?

Pranav : Few minutes before she asked me to take her home and before I unlocked the door she fell down. Is she okay? Should we go to the hospital?

Priya : No pranav, when she is too weak or too sad Or had an emotional outbreak this happens. She has to be fine soon, we need to go home as soon as possible, it's not good for her to stay here for a long time.

Pranav : I'll take her home and take care of her. I'll call you if needed, sister.

Priya nodded and he looked at Sahana, her face was pale and she looked lifeless, completely different from the time he had first seen her. For a moment he felt that he was the reason, he snatched all her happiness and liveliness from her. He knew he was cold to her, but it was him to everyone. Everyone who taught him how bad the world could be. Shrugging off thoughts, he carried her in bridal style and made her sit in his car. He put the seat belt on and made her seat inclined so that she won't fall off the seat Or have neck pain once she wakes up.

He bid bye to people after giving them his condolences for the last time before leaving from there. His mother just kept a hand on his shoulder and blinked in assurance while he was here to keep up the promises made during their wedding.

He drove home, after asking Vijay to come along in his car. He kind of guessed it wasn't going to be so easy to handle her once she woke up. Also he wanted a change for Vijay to get over things.

They reached home at 9am and he carefully removed her seatbelt. He carried her into her room and placed her gently on her bed. Putting her hair strands behind her ear which was falling on her face and kissed on her forehead.

It was the first time he kissed her on the forehead. Forehead kisses are always special, they say that the other person cares for you and is protective towards you. He gently caresses her facial features and gets up from there.

He went to the kitchen and made some soup for her, Vijay silently went into one of the guest rooms. He makes some poha and remembers the first time they came home and she made poha for them. A smile came on his face and a teardrop fell from his eye. He didn't want to keep her in the dark anymore.

He went to his room and kept the soup vessel on the table beside the bed and checked if she was up. Concluding that she wasn't up yet, he walked towards the kitchen and served poha in a bowl and went towards the room which Vijay was staying in. He knocked on the door and Vijay opened it.

Vijay : Anna, please I don't want to eat anything.

Pranav : Did you both take some oath that you won't eat? She isn't waking up and eating and here you aren't eating if you are up also.

Vijay : Pranav, she'll be up anytime and you need to be there.

Pranav : I know, but I am afraid I'll mess it up.

Vijay : Did you try?

Pranav : Nope

Vijay : Don't give up without trying, maybe all she needs is an explanation for the way you have behaved with her since you met her and don't make it too long or postpone it anna, you don't know what happens when and what is coming up.

Pranav : I'll see what I can do but promise me you're going to finish all of it, no more excuses.

Vijay nodded and Pranav smiled at him and walked to her room. He opened the door to see Sahana holding her head with her hand and closing her eyes.

Pranav : What happened Sahu? Is your head hurting? Should I call the doctor?

Sahana : Pranav please, can we stop this?

Pranav : Can you give me a chance, Sahana?

Sahana : You expect me to give you one Pranav? Are you sure you'll be able to make something out of it?

Pranav : Just a chance is all I ask for.

Sahana : I have a past too Pranav and if your past is the reason you are behaving like this I know each person reacts to different circumstances in different ways. Maybe you found this way to get out of it but it hurts Pranav and right now I am not in a state to handle more pressure and stress. I don't know  but all I need is some space maybe. Vijay is going somewhere, can you send me somewhere too please?

Pranav : I am sorry for all the stupid things I did Sahana, I know no amount of apologies can heal you but I want to be there for you and I want us to lead a normal life.

Sahana : It's not as simple as it is to say Pranav.

Pranav : I know but I will try my level best to do anything for it.

Sahana : I-

Pranav : Please, Sahana before talking about anything else, drink this. I can't afford to see you blacking out once again.

Sahana didn't want to argue with him at the moment. Neither did she have the feeling to drink something, shrugging off the thoughts she quietly drank it all.

Pranav : Thank you, I also wanted to tell you we'll be shifting to my parents place soon.

Sahana : I don't want to come anywhere Pranav.

Pranav : I don't want you to stay here, Sahana. I am afraid you'll slip into depression.

Sahana chuckled and looked into his brown orbs.

Sahana : This isn't more than what you did, Pranav.

Pranav looked down in guilt and regret. He had tears in his eyes, his emotions were all over. The doorbell rang and he wiped his tears quickly before he went to open the door, she stopped him.

Sahana : I'll go, you stay.

Without giving him a chance to speak, she went to open the door. She tied her hair into a messy bun on the way to the door and opened the door to find…

Hello dear readers,

We are back with an update. Early one? Yes maybe and hope you all like it.

I ( Sakshi) am overwhelmed to see the reviews in the last chapter. You guys literally made my day 🥺 Love you all to the infinity and beyond.

Both of them ask questions to each other and then skip answering them sigh sigh

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Cliff hanger ending is my favorite heheh

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Thank you for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

Hasta la vista till next update.

Sakshi and Madhurima ❤💙

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