Chapter - 37

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As instructed by her, he followed her commands and Sahana was surprised to see it. Never did this man in front of her do something which she said without questioning her back and this was something new to her. 

Sahana : Oh you did! Good now what do we do? 

Pranav : I thought you were leading! I am totally blank right now. But who is he? Why did he sneak into your room? 

Sahana : What do I know? I just followed the lead of great movies!

She was munching her chocolate🍫. He grabbed that chocolate from her hand and threw it away. 

Sahana : Aye you Godzilla! How dare you throw my chocolate away? You will pay for it, mister. 

She went to collect the chocolate which was on the floor, he pulled her back and their faces were just inches apart. She was looking at him angrily and as soon as her eyes met his, anger in her face melted, she was lost in his eyes. They were dark but she could read many emotions in his eyes. 

They kept on looking at each other and slowly Pranav bent to capture Sahana's lips and she lowered her eyes from his gaze. The chair sound disturbed them and brought them back into senses. Sahana ran into the washroom, she was a blushing mess. She could imagine what would have happened if there was no disturbance. Shrugging all the thoughts from her mind she splashed cold water onto her face. 

On the other hand, Pranav hit himself slightly and went to that thief. 

Pranav : You had the dare to sneak into my room! Now face the consequences. 

When Pranav was about to punch him. 

Sahana : Stopp! 

Pranav gave her a weird look but she ignored it and walked towards the place where they tied the thief uncle. When she was just a few steps away from reaching him, Pranav held her back by her waist pressing her back to his chest. She was trying hard to control her emotions and gave him a sharp look but he didn't budge, when she tried to wriggle out of his hold he held her more strongly and pressed her totally into him. She was embarrassed and flushed. 

Sahana : Uncle, do you want to eat or drink something? 

Pranav : What? 

He pulled her to his side while her chest collided with his and she was looking into his eyes straight. 

Pranav :  Are you serious? 

Sahana : First leave me you creep! 

Pranav : Say that again and I definitely will. 

He was trailing soft kisses on her neck and her hands were fisted. Without her control her head was bent towards the other side giving him more access. 

Pranav : Your words and actions don't match wifey! 

Sahana m.v : Shut Sahana! I know he is hawt and handsome but he is a leech, he is a bulldozer you aren't doing anything with him. Move away! 

Sahana : Leave me Pranav! 

Pranav : Are you sure you want me to do that wifey? 

Sahana : Remember I am not going to be your wife forever! 

Pranav's jaw tightened and he gritted his teeth. 

Pranav : What do you mean Sahana? 

Sahana : I.. I meant like… it's not confirmed you are.. Are.. Going to do..whatever I say.. And.. 

Pranav : Shut up butterfly!  Don't you dare speak a word. 

Sahana got out of his hold. She breathed out and shook her head. 

Thief : Madam release me, I don't want to see all this 💏romance 

Sahana : Oh uncle, why would we tie you up if we wanted to release you? We have some plans and romance ahem! You will see more of Tom And Jerry than romance. Today only by mistake it came out. 

Thief : Madam, will you hand me over to the police? 

Sahana : Na, na! Uncle every thief will have some reason for them to become a thief. What is your story? 

Thief : Why madam? It's all nonsense! Do you want me to do all the work here? I will do them madam, it's okay if you don't pay me also but I have to pay my children's school fees, if you could do that favour to me only if you are okay with my working. 

Sahana : Uncle, I understood what is your problem. But then, you can shift with your family to the outhouse we have here. You can work as a watchman here and uncle, I consider you as my dad's brother and I want you to keep up my trust. I don't think you ate something, Come with me.

She untied him and took him to the dining table and served him the food. He ate it, as he was starving since long. Pranav kept adoring her and her personality all the time. He was frustrated when she said she won't be his wife forever. He couldn't digest it, he wanted her to leave from him and not to get into his dark life which he was already drowning in.

But then she was his medicine. His light in the darkness, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Sahana : Pranav! Pranav! Are you okay? God! Are you having an anxiety attack?

Pranav : Br.. Breathe..

Sahana : Damn it! Do you have any pills to take? Pranav! Wake up don't close your eyes! Agh!

She ran into his room and searched all the drawers for the medicine and finally found one. She took it and ran to him. She made him sleep in her lap and made him to take the medicine.

He was in semi conscious state, with his head in her lap.

Sahana : Pranav, just relax! Don't think about anything. Calm down. We don't need to talk about anything right now. Things can wait! You sleep! Relax! Uncle please lock the door and you can sleep in the outhouse I will inform the security.

She slowly helped him stand from their place and took him along with her to her room. She settled down on the bed and made him sleep on her lap. He slept like a baby who slept peacefully in their mother's lap.

Precap : Past affects future and some romance ❤💏

Heya busy people

We are back with an update!

Wishing our Madhu a very happy birthday and here is a surprise update from my(Sakshi) side to you. Hope you like it.

I tried writing some romance, don't know how did it come out. Do tell us in the comments please

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Stay safe and keep smiling 😊 and take care of yourself.

- Sakshi and Madhurima ❤💙

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