Chapter 23

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Pranav : What are you doing here?

Krithi : What jiju? You suddenly kidnapped my best friend and you expect me to stay happy there leaving my best friend? Tulasi aunty sent me here with Sahana's luggage and breakfast for you both.

Pranav : Where is my dear brother who came to drop you?

Vijay : How did you know that I came bro?

Pranav : How can I not? Just like that caption goes wherever you go our network follows you. Where Krithi goes you follow her. I have seen it all in my wedding and engagement. I thought it would stop after my wedding at least but seems like you aren't going to stop.

Vijay : Bro, where did you forget your manners? When guests come you should invite them inside and then talk not make them stand outside and taunt them.

Pranav gave him a glare and opened the door for them to come in.

Krithi : Jiju where is my best friend? Did you both sleep well last night?

Pranav : This way! I was working on things so I slept late but madam was sick so madam slept early only. She didn't wake up till now after taunting me so much yesterday. I guess she is still sick or she is in deep sleep. It's fine that you both came here with luggage but who in this world would disturb people early in the morning?

Krithi : Jiju it's not early in the morning it's 8am already so don't worry. Also I am keeping the food on table freshen up and eat it. I will go and check on my Sahana!

Saying that Krithi left to Sahana's room, the Uppalapati brothers as always got into random fights and were a second away from ripping each other's head.

In Sahana's room :

Krithi : Sahu, wake up na it's almost 10am *winks* you have to take medicines also.

Sahana wakes up in a jerk and looks at the watch to find it as 8am. She glares at Krithi while she laughs her heart out looking at Sahana.

Sahana : I will kill you Krithi! I was just about to reach that man and see his face you evil human had to wake me up. Sigh

Krithi : Woah woah! Calm down baby girl! If your husband listens this you are going to face his worst side again LOL. Now as you woke up freshen up and come tulasi aunty sent you breakfast and here is your luggage too.

Sahana : Ah! Aunty is the best! I love her.

Krithi : More than her son?

Sahana : Who said I love her son? I love her and only her.

Krithi : Sure sure! Now go! We can talk later. The men must be waiting for us. I wonder if they already ripped their heads or broke their hands and legs.

Sahana giggled while Krithi ran to the living room to see WWF match going on. She just stared at both of them, when they realised the glares hitting them, they stopped and started acting civil to each other not without taunts.

Soon Sahana joined them and they all had their breakfast. Vijay and Krithi left after the breakfast as they had some DATE to go on.

Sahana sat on the couch while browsing things and Pranav was shouting on somebody.

Sahana : Pranav! Why do you get angry so quickly? Like any reason?

Pranav : Huh! Finally someone asked me the reasons for my anger well since you dug your own grave by asking me let me not leave you hanging. Well actually..

He was about to continue and then our unexpected guest was standing there fuming face and an angry face. It was none other than our dear Siya.

Pranav : What the heck are you doing here now Siya?

Siya : Aww! Tulasi aunty asked me to help Sahana adjust here so I came to help her. After all I am your bestt friend right?

Pranav's fist was clenched and he was getting angry.

Pranav : Before I held your neck and throw you out of my home. Out of my home right now Siya! You have hurt me enough! I won't let you do anything to my wife now.

He pulled Sahana and side hugged her. She was shocked and surprised over his bi polar behavior.

Siya : Hahaha! Do you think I would leave you so easily baby? No honey!

Pranav : Security! Pull this woman out of my home right now. Don't ever allow her into my home from now on.

Sahana was staring at Pranav all the time not able to take the words that he accepted her as his wife in front of his cunning ex.

Sahana : I.. I actually don't know what to speak so I will better keep quiet.

Pranav : But you deserve an explanation. Don't you?

Sahana : Its fine Pranav you don't need to act anymore. Nobody is here to see. You can be normal as you always will be.

Pranav : You know what! You don't deserve anything like anything in this world. Just leave me alone.

Sahana : Yea! I will definitely!

Pranav : What do you mean?

Sahana : Nothing! I will go take my medicine and prepare lunch. What do you want for lunch?

Pranav : Anything without poison will do.

Sahana : But I decided I would make poison soup for you. No problem! I will make it for sure along with others.

Pranav : Are you even a human? Who would talk like this with their husband?

Sahana : Same question! Who would torture their wife like this?

Pranav : Just don't irritate me Sahana! Enough is enough! Just do your work and don't meddle in my things.

Sahana : Pranav! Never mind! Nothing, you stay here alone. I will go do my work.

Sahana walked towards the kitchen and started cooking.

She was lost in thoughts and kept her hand on a vessel which was on the stove. Her hand got burnt.

Sahana : Ahhhhhh

She kept her hand under water and fresh tears rolled from her eyes. She wasn't able to take that pain.

Pranav : What the hell did you do this time Sahana?

To be continued...

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