Chapter 55

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[ Recommending the above song, throughout the update. Happy reading 📖]

Pranav opened the door and saw around, he took the staircase, but when he stepped on the first step, he found something sticking on his leg and he took it out.

Woah woah,
Easy easy! Too eager to go to your room. Do you think it's that easy? Nah nah nah! First go and pray to God!

P. S : I'll easily get to know if you missed this, so don't you dare cheat!

The note read and he chuckled at the way it was written. He took a second to admire her beautiful handwriting. He kissed that note and held it close to his heart.

Following her commands, he went to the prayer room to see a notice stuck on the door.

Good that you're here! Had you skipped this, I would have fired you even before you came to me! Now go lit the diya!

He could not just read the notes but could feel her yelling those words in his ears. With a broad smile on his face, he opened the rack door to pick up match box, and oil. As expected, there were his clothes a white shirt and grey pants along with a grey blazer.

He picked it up and found another sticky note on it.

Trust me, you'll look damn hot in this! After all my selection is always like that, both you and the dress 😏! Now go to Anirudh anna and ask him for the thing he will give to you.

Pranav took the suit, and went outside to see Anirudh as though he was waiting for him. He had a small box in his hands and he was playing with it.

Anirudh : What do you want bava?

Pranav : Give me that thing which you have to give me.

Anirudh : This isn't for you, this is for my wifey! I love her.

Pranav : Bava, don't play with me!

Anirudh : Should I? Or Should I not?

Pranav : Bava please!

Anirudh : Wow, Mr. Pranav Uppalapati is pleading me. Now I have to give in! Wait here I'll get you!

Anirudh came with a set of gift boxes, and handed it to him..

Anirudh : Listen, don't open them!

Pranav : Bava, tell me where she is!

Anirudh : Well, that's a secret till you reach her so hasta la vista the next destination is your room!

Pranav : Fine, don't tell! I will find her by myself.

By the time he went to the staircase again, it was filled with rose petals and he looked around to find if somebody did that, but found none. He climbed the stairs and reached to his room, he placed the clothes and gifts on his bed and went to freshen up.

He took a quick shower and got into the dress that Sahana selected for him.

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