Chapter 39

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Sahana stepped back while he took steps towards her.

Sahana : Pranav.. you doing? Your hand is hurt already.

Pranav : Shush butterfly🦋

Sahana : You are an arrogant beast, you.. You...

Pranav : What made me one Sahana?

Sahana : won't tell me. Leave it.

Pranav : You are sensitive Sahana, you won't be able to do it.

Sahana : You don't know me yet, do you?

Pranav : No I don't

Sahana : Neither did you try to know me nor did you give me a chance to know you. What are you, Pranav? Why are you doing this?

Pranav : Will you accept me if I tell my past to you?

Sahana : I won't say I would do it in a second. It will take some time but I would definitely accept you, Pranav. No human is bad by birth, circumstances turn them into bad people, I am sure there must have been quite a few heart breaking ones for you to turn like this. I am ready to hear you out.

When Pranav was about to speak something, Sahana's phone rang. It was from Krithi, usually it's her shift time and she never calls Sahana in the afternoon time unless and until it's an emergency.

Pranav : Go ahead! I'll wait.

Sahana smiled at him and took a few steps from there to answer the call.

Sahana : Krithi, what happened? Are you okay?

Random person : Ma'am this person is actually spot dead in a road accident. We took her to Apollo Hospital near Jubilee Hills. This was on her emergency contact. Please come to the hospital as soon as possible ma'am.

Sahana couldn't hear anything. Everything was just blank around her. Tears were just flowing and Pranav went inside by that time. He needed some space to open up his past and he was disturbed, he didn't want to live through it all the way again. Those memories haunt him every single day. He was strong physically but at any moment he could have broken down in front of Sahana.

That morning when he had an anxiety attack she took care of him. Not to lie he had feelings which were hidden inside him which he was trying his level best to put an end in his heart only. But things turned out in the other way, he was ready to tell her all of it and lead a normal life which he was craving for.

Sahana rushed towards the car and drove it to the hospital. She was trying hard to take in the news which she came to know a few minutes back. She stopped near a traffic signal and all the memories with Krithi came as a movie cut in front of her eyes. For a minute, she just wanted to wake up from this if it was a dream. It was no joke, the person who had her back since her teens. They shared more than 10 years of friendship. Krithi was the only one who could understand her without even speaking anything just like her family did. She could handle her in a jiffy and make her laugh even when she was depressed over things.

The signal turned green and when the traffic police came and knocked her window asking her what had happened she came back to reality and apologized to him and drove from there. When she was in the parking lot, she stood there with shivering hands. She wasn't strong enough to handle something like this. She took slow steps towards the reception.

Sahana : Excuse me, may I know where we can find the... mortuary?

Receptionist : Go straight and turn left and walk till the dead end it would be on your right, Miss. Who are you looking for?

Sahana : I got a call that my best friend is... dead in an accident and she was in this hospital.

Receptionist : Her name ma'am?

Sahana : Krithi, Krithi Vishwa.

Receptionist : Yes ma'am. You may go.

Sahana had to inform everyone but she forgot her phone at home in a hurry. She went into the mortuary. She asked the duty nurse and went to see the body, she shrieked and yelled when she saw the body full of blood marks and her face had many scratches. Her head was totally covered with bandages, it turned red. She was trying hard to breathe and not to faint. She held her hand and went on knees, kept it near her heart and cried her heart out wailing loudly. The duty nurses pulled her away after sometime and gave her all the belongings of Krithi.

Sahana opened Krithi's phone, she never changed it since the time she bought the phone. She is least bothered on who would open her phone and check her things as she never hides things from anyone.

Sahana dialled to her parents first and asked them to come to the hospital as soon as possible without telling them that their daughter isn't alive anymore. The next person she dialled is Vijay, it was saved as Lifeline and Sahana cried more. She wasn't sure how Vijay was going to take this, keep Vijay aside she couldn't digest the whole thing yet. But he had the right to know what happened to her. She called him.

Vijay : Babe, where are you struck? I've ordered your favourites. Come soon, or else I am eating them all.

Sahana : Vi.. Vijay.. Vijay Come to Jubilee hills Apollo hospital soon please

Vijay : Sahana? What happened? Is Krithi okay? Why is her phone with you? Why are you asking me to come to the hospital? Trust me if you both friends are trying to prank me consequences won't be good.

Sahana : Vijay please, come soon.

Vijay : I am starting right now.

Soon Krithi's parents were there and Krithi's mother was sobbing uncontrollably, her father was just silent. He didn't know if he should cry along with his wife or console her. This hit them very badly.

Within a few minutes Vijay was there too and the nurse gave him the news. He couldn't believe it till he saw her lying on the hospital bed unconsciously. He looked at her parents and then at Sahana who walked up to him. She patted his shoulder with tears streaming down from her eyes.

Vijay : She's acting, isn't she?

Sahana : No Vijay.

Vijay : She will get up soon, right Sahana? She just loves to play pranks like this on me. I cried what more does she want? Tell her to wake up Sahana please

He broke down further. The hospital formalities were done late in the evening and they took the body to Krithi's home. Both Sahana's family and in-laws were there as well. Pranav didn't get the news yet as he didn't answer the calls. The rituals which had to be done were going on, Priya was consoling Sahana but she wanted someone else to be with her then. She craved for that person who she got married to and promised her to be with her in all her ups and downs.

It was almost midnight by the time Tulasi asked Sahana about Pranav and that's when it hit her that he was going to tell her everything and this happened, she rushed to hospital without even telling anything. All she could think of is the worst possibilities keeping in mind his anxiety attack the previous night.

She told Priya to inform everyone she would be back the next morning or afternoon and drove home. It was late in the night and the darkness was calling her into its solace. It took her an hour to reach home, by the time she reached home and opened the door, she opened her mouth wide and stood there shocked.

Okay okay,

You can throw all rotten tomatoes at me(sakshi) I was late this time

Sincere apologies dear readers. Such an unexpected turn, sigh 😓 it was hard to write this chapter. How was it y'all?

And a cliffhanger at the end, typical way to end hehe

Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment your views. I'll try and give you the next chapter soon.

Take care and stay safe and get vaccinated.

With love

Sakshi and Madhurima ❤💙

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