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Chapter 42: Halal. 


"A man asked the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W); Which woman is the best? 

The Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) replied; When you look at her, you feel happiness."

-Sunan An-Nasar'i-


One has to be ready, for a declaration of love. To love and be loved, one has to be accepting. So when Islah proclaimed his love for Yusra that night, the following days felt a little less burdensome to the woman. Perhaps it was because she had accepted his love as an asset to her life.

And it also turned out the Abideen and Reza-Ibrahim knew about Islah's proposal plans and had come together to execute it.

The days that followed it was rushed for the Nikah was set for a week later; again they had planned it and were waiting on her answer. Yusra didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad one but either way, her dreams of marrying Islah were coming true.

The plan was for the nikah to take place at the mosque two weeks prior to the actual wedding. Since Yusra's family was mixed (Turkish and Arab); her parents (mother mostly) wanted all the traditions to be followed while Islah's family was completely fine with their Arab traditions.

Rabail had finally met her the following day for coffee and they had spent over two hours at one place, talking. She did drop by each day to see how she was doing. Considering everything of hers was packed already (Yusra suspected this was why her mother was not yelling at her to unpack), she had a few other things to pack. Maha also dropped by, excited for her cousin but also heavily pregnant. She was due in a month.

Seven days passed by faster than Yusra wanted it to. She had spent each day with her parents (mostly with Dawud). She also had a few interviews that week and the following so she attended them. One of the interviews was at Maccinhen University; her very own university.

"Yusra?" she snapped out of her thoughts, turning her head to see her mother. Nasreen smiled at her and walked over. She took Yusra's hands in hers.

"I know you are nervous," she started and Yusra wanted to laugh. I should be nervous. Why aren't I nervous? She felt that it was because she had been away from home for two years and survived so she can do anything. "But it's okay. It happens to everyone. I want to apologize."

Yusra frowned.

"Apologize? Why?" she asked her mother hastily. Nasreen smiled sadly at her.

"The moment I met Lila at the boutique and found out about Islah, I have wanted you to marry him." Yusra eyes widened at her mother's confession. She wanted me to marry him when I was in a feud with him? Nasreen let out a small laugh.

"I wanted it. He was from a good family and would keep you happy. That's all I ever wanted for my daughter. So when you said you wanted to study, I didn't want to let you go. Because I thought things will dissolve and he'll marry someone else." By now, Nasreen was speaking in rapid Arabic. Her mother was Arab while her father was Turkish. If only you'd know ma.

"But he didn't. I am really happy that you are marrying him. He is one of a kind." Nasreen wiped away the tears that had fallen making Yusra's eyes water too. She squeezed their hands and smiled.

"Ma. If you don't mind, when did you and baba decide the nikah dates?" Nasreen smiled brightly at her question.

"When we came back from your graduation, we called Lila and invited them over. We talked about the nikah and it was Lila's idea for Islah to propose. We agreed to it because if you said no, it'll be called off. But if you said yes, we'll at least be prepared. Honestly, Yusra, Lila is really excited to have you part of their family." Yusra knew that bit. She knew Lila was excited. I am excited too mama.

"It's time-" Maha stood by the door of her room, grinning. She walked inside and Nasreen stood up. Nasreen placed a kiss on Yusra's forehead and walked out of the room. Yusra smiled up at her cousin.

"Let's go. We have to reach there before Zuhr." Yusra nodded and stood up in front of her mirror. She was dressed in a mint colored long dress. The dress had a bodice with silver sequin work and a thin sequin belt on the wait before it fell to the floor in multiple pleats. Yusra paired it with a maroon hijab for the dupatta for the dress was also maroon.

Maha pinned the dupatta on her right shoulder before turning her to face Maha.

"You look stunning, don't overthink it." Yusra's eyes sparkled.

"Thank you."

"Don't stress it. Keep it for the big wedding." Yusra laughed. I'll cross the bridge when I reach it. Or perhaps burn it?

"Lets go," Maha pulled her by the hand downstairs. Yusra knew she'd be back in her room soon but today, today she was going to Islah's place.


Islah was excited. The excitement clearly showed at how he couldn't keep seated at one place, despite the repeated chidings from his mother. Even throughout the speech by the Imaam and the proceedings of the Nikah, the man could barely remain still. His father and brother joked about his excitement but it did nothing to deter Islah. When Yusra said yes, Islah's smile brightened like that of the sun in the mornings. His heart was finally at peace. She is mine. Officially.

After the prayers, both the families stood outside the mosque with bright smiles and happy atmosphere.

Islah stood beside Iravat, his eyes searching for his woman. Finally when he did see her, he felt all air knocked out of him. For perhaps the first time, he saw Yusra in a different light. I can't believe a woman like that agreed to marry me; the thought alone made his eyes tear up.

Yusra walked over to them with Rabail and Maha by her side. The two husbands took the hands of their wives and stood beside them, leaving Islah and Yusra to each other. With Islah's gaze on her, Yusra felt awkward but then it went down the drain the moment she decided to speak.

"Nice shoes."

Islah stared at her with squinted eyes before looking at his dressing shoes and back at her with confusion. Nice shoes?

"Thanks. I got them from the store." Islah replied hesitantly making Yusra chuckle lowly. Islah smiled too. Something about seeing her as his wife filled him with happiness. Undeniable, beautiful happiness. 

"Lets head home. We have a Nikah dinner to prep for!" Lila called out to everyone. Yusra sighed lowly and gathered her courage. Islah saw this and immediately held out his hand. Completely halal.

Yusra looked up to him with questioning green eyes.

"It's halal. Take it and lets begin this journey." He told her and a slow smile spread on her face.

"Are you sure?"


"I am just making sure!" Yusra's laughter rang through the place making everyone smile. She took his hand and followed him to his black Jeep. The same one with so many memories.

As Islah opened the passenger door of the jeep, he held out his hand for her to take again.

"Shall we?"

"We shall." Yusra smiled.



As salaamu alaikum. 

I just wanna say, I appreciate you guys waiting on me for the updates. I really, really do. 

Jazak Allah Khair. 

Take care. 

Stay safe. 

| R - C - V |



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