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Chapter 19: Then come to my home. 


"There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other."

-J. K. Rowling-


Yusra's head hurt. She instinctively pulled the blanket in her hands closer to her head. She smelt something nice, familiar; her mind told her so she inhaled deeply. The scent made her smile and snuggle into whatever was on her. That was when things came rushing back. The eye contact, the smile, the realization and the fainting. Immediately her eyes opened and she peered out of the blanket she was covered in.

"Yes E. I hear you" she heard Islah speak before she saw him. When she realized he hadn't seen her awake, she took her time to study the so-called person she now­ likes.

Islah Reza-Ibrahim is tall, about 6 foot with dark brown hair and an equally pigmented beard. His beard was short and neatly groomed just his hair. I'd kill to see them messy though. She decided to chastise herself later for such thoughts. Islah had broad shoulders and torso on which, the white dress shirt fit nicely. She wanted to smack her inner thoughts for such comments but even Yusra could not deny Islah was goodlooking. Absolutely gorgeous. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not realize he had caught her staring at him.

When she realized he was walking over, she immediately closed her eyes and pulled the blanket slightly up to cover her eyes. Her heart was running a marathon right now. Please don't know I am awake. Please.

"I know you are awake" she heard him say and groaned lowly. His chuckle sounded next before she felt the blanket being tugged away slowly. She held onto the blanket and peered out of it. She gasped when she saw how close the CEO was. He was (again) kneeling down beside her with a smile, his blue-gray eyes shining bright.

"Hi" Stupid. Out of all the things, you thought of saying this! Islah did not seem to mind it though. He grinned instead.

"Hey" Awkward. She waited for Islah to break eye contact but he didn't. Not until the two heard a cough from the door of the office. Islah almost fell on the ground and Yusra set up abruptly, her hand going to her head to check for a hijab. Stupid girl. You didn't do that when he was staring at you but did it when someone else entered? What has gotten into you?!

"I am sorry to interrupt but are you okay darling?" Rabail walked towards her, followed by Iravat. Ah great.

"Fine" she replied sheepishly. Rabail smiled at her and held out a brown bag. When Yusra did not take it, Rabail placed it on her lap.

"It's some painkillers." She told her and turned to Islah. "What did the doctor say?"

Islah cleared his throat as three pairs of eyes turned to him.

"It's exhaustion. You haven't been getting much sleep lately I take it?" Islah directed his firm gaze to Yusra who looked away sheepishly. Right. Korean dramas do that to you.

"Awh my poor baby" Rabail had taken Yusra's hand in hers and was now cooing at her like a mother hen. Yusra let out a surprised yelp and turned to the boys. Both the brothers remained indifferent to Rabail's antics.

"Rab? I think you should let her be for now" Iravat told her and Yusra looked at him again. Rab? When Iravat did not acknowledge her, she turned to Rabail. The woman was still playing with her hands.

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