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Chapter 15: No Discrimination of Ice Creams, Please. 


"Ethereal (n): Extremely delicate, light, not of this world"



Friday went by aimlessly and Yusra found herself looking forward to the meeting that afternoon. Their two weeks was over and she wanted to know which department she would be heading to next.

The department chiefs were gathered at the conference hall on level 6 along with the interns and Markos. Markos did say that the CEO may or may not join them. But he didn't specify. Oh Lord. So when Yusra took her seat at the end of the table, opposite Robert, she found herself glancing at the door every now and then. Markos, who saw this, smiled at her. She's waiting for someone, he thought but soon his attention was diverted from her to the agenda at hand.

"Congratulations Zain, for leading the board this week," Markos started and Zain blushed slightly, ducking his head. Markos laughed and continued. "The others, do work on your abilities. You have potential, I hope you all know that.

"Since your two weeks are up, we are shuffling you guys. Starting with Jackson and Zhou Han, you two are going to Analysis. Zain, you are going to testing and Yusra, you are going to Designing. Your department chiefs are here, work things out and let's get going, shall we?" Markos gestured for them to get familiar with their department chiefs and turned to leave. Before he could leave though, the CEO made an entrance.

Yusra's eyes immediately turned to him with a small smile, memories of the past week flooding by. His eyes met hers and he nodded before turning away. Just a nod? Is he sick, by any chance?

"Good afternoon all. It's Friday and you are eager to leave so I'll keep this short." He started and Yusra leaned onto her hands, staring at him with wide eyes. Was he always this confident? I mean the confidence oozing from him is giving me a run for my money! Islah stood in front of them with his left hand in the pockets of his black slacks and the other hand, on the chair in front of him.

"A month from now is when you are placed in your departments for the rest of the internship duration. This is also the time your leader boards will be analyzed and," He said, smiling slightly. "The intern with the highest score will have an opportunity to work on one of our projects. This solely depends on the scores of yours, so don't think about kissing up to people. It will not help" Islah was firm with his statement and Yusra smiled at him. This man has many sides, many that I am left to discover.

"Right. With that, have a nice weekend" he said, dismissing them all. The interns turned to their department chiefs who waved their hands dismissively, walking away. Guess we will be emailed about it. She stood up from her chair and picked up her pen and notebook before placing them in her bag. She turned to the front of the conference hall to see Islah eyeing her movements. She frowned at him before raising an eyebrow. What?

He shrugged at her with a small smile. Whatever, that's what he said. Whatever!

"Tea?" Yusra turned to the other side to see Zain looking at her expectantly. She glanced at Islah to see him glaring at Zain before she turned to the matter at hand. I should probably get tea with him. I did say no like a hundred times before. She smiled at him.

"Sure. The café across from here though so baba knows where to pick me up" she told him and he nodded.

Islah eyed them with his hands crossed over his chest. He huffed out a frustrated air when he realized an intern had asked his hijabi for tea. Why can't he go alone?, Islah thought with a murderous glare.

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