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Chapter 8: Coffee? Coffee. 


"Love sought,

is good. 

But given unsought,

is better"

-William Shakespeare-


"Why are you giving them a hard time?" Islah looked up from the papers he was signing to his PA, barging into his office. He raised an eyebrow at Markos who glared at him. He then went back to the file in front of him. What? Who is giving them a hard time? I am giving them a good training!

"Don't ignore me, Islah! Why are you giving the poor interns a hard time?" Markos questioned him again. Islah looked up wearily.

"I am not" he stated and Markos rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. Right. 

"Yeah no. Not going to work today, Islah. You usually steer clear of the interns. What's different now?" he questioned and immediately a pair of green eyes flashed in his mind. He let out a small chuckle, continuing to read the open folder in front of him. Little kid. 

"It is Yusra, isn't it" Markos said and this caught Islah's attention. He placed the pen in his hand on top of the papers and folded his hands on the table. He looked up to Markos with raised eyebrows.

"What makes you say that?" Islah asked and Markos rolled his eyes. He thinks others would not see that he is ultimately besotted with the hijabi!, Markos mused in his head. 

"She is really smart but the others are not of her caliber. If you keep challenging them like this, I am afraid they would think they are not good enough. Will you stop making this like judging a fish on its capability to climb a tree, Islah?"

Markos was furious and Islah knew that. In a way, Islah felt guilty. He has always prided his company on bettering individuals but this past three days, he had been doing exactly the opposite. 

He sighed.

"Fine. I apologize for being so harsh on them. The department chiefs can handle the rest, right?" he said and Markos nodded with a small smile.

"Thank you! Now that that's out of the way, lets talk about Miss. Yusra Uz-" Markos could not complete his sentence because Islah spoke.

"Good. Now get out" he stated and Markos rolled his eyes.

"You didn't even let me complete!" Markos told him and Islah shrugged, going back to his paperwork. Markos knew Islah was ditching the question so he let it be. He'll come around, he thought with a smirk while walking out of his office.

Islah stared at the papers in front of him, finding it hard to focus. Yusra. What is so special about you, little kid? He sighed and threw the pen in his hand onto the papers before leaning back on his chair.

"What is so special? What is it about you that keeps me up at night, thinking?" he muttered to himself. He picked up his bright yellow stress-ball and began playing with it. She is stressing me out even when she's not here.

He set straight on his chair and logged onto his company CCTV cameras. Okay this is stupid! Why am I spying on some little kid in my own company? He closed the CCTV window on his computer and let out a huff.

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