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Chapter 43: Married.


"To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. 

People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect."

-Criss Jami-


Being married didn't feel any different to Yusra. She was nervous though about beginning her new life with Islah.

"What are you thinking about?" Islah questioned her as they drove towards his apartment. Their new house was on the other side of the city but he didn't mind. His parents were usually busy and they (according to his mother) deserved a break from Islah. He didn't understand why she'd say that but nonetheless; she made him move out with his wife.

Yusra didn't like the idea but she went with it. It's not like they were moving to another country (courtesy of his mother again).

"Nothing," Yusra replied, still in her thoughts. Islah let out a sigh but said nothing. He knew he needed to give his wife some time to adjust.

Their house was a modern house at the end of the city and a few houses down Rabail and Iravat's place. It was a double storey white house with large fence surrounding it. Yusra liked the exterior; it reminded her of a quaint country house.

Once inside, she stared at the place in awe. Islah on the other hand shifted nervously on his feet.

"So I kinda set up the place. But you can change it as you want." He told her as he guided her out of the living room towards the kitchen.

The house had two bedrooms, a nursery, a study, a sunroom, a kitchen and patio, living room and a large deck. Each room had their own balconies and the outside was covered with green neatly mowed grass.

"I would love to," Yusra replied as she scanned the area, her mind already working on the designs.

"Right. Let me show you to the room and then we can rest before the dinner tonight." Islah told her as he held her hand and guided her up the wooden stairs. There were boxes in each room with labels and Yusra knew she would have to unpack with Islah once they settle properly.

Islah opened a mahogany door leading her inside. The room was bare with only one bed in the middle and a dresser to the side.

"I kinda didn't do anything there." Islah rubbed his neck as he stood by the door. Yusra shot him a grin.

"We'll do it together. Don't worry. Is the water working?" she asked him and he nodded before walking to the attached bathroom. He opened the door and checked the water just in case.

"You can shower and I'll go get the luggage from downstairs." Islah informed her and she nodded at him.

Once he was gone, Yusra closed the door and stood in front of the dresser taking deep breaths. What the hell is wrong with me? She knew what was wrong but she was too scared to acknowledge it.

"Yusra, you okay?" she heard Islah call out from outside the door. Instead of replying and overthinking, she opened the door and stood in front of her husband. The man was taller than her and for the first time, she was glad he was. He would see the panic in my eyes.

"Yusra?" she heard him say softly. Her heart ached at the tone of his voice, so soft and gentle. This man would never hurt me. Islah placed his hands on her cheeks, completely covering them. The thumb of his hand soothed the skin of her cheeks making a silent tear roll off.

Islah let out a small chuckle at the sight of his wife.

"Why are you crying, Ya Amar?" he asked her and upon hearing him call her, his moon, she began crying more.

Islah immediately pulled her to his chest and she began sobbing. He soothed her head and rubbed her back. The two stood in the middle of the hallway for quite some time until Yusra was calm. By the time he let her go, her face was puffy and red.

He poked her cheeks and she scowled at him.

"Now would you tell me why you are crying?" he questioned her. She sighed and shrugged.

"It's stupid," she muttered, turning to enter the room again. Islah got hold of her hands before she left. He pulled her hand and walked outside to the deck. Islah made her stand by him, holding his hand as they looked ahead of their house. There was only green lawn visible.

"I couldn't believe how lucky I am." Yusra spoke after a while. Islah let out a small smile without looking at her. "I am not a good Muslim. Even though I try to practice my religion to my best, I still make so many mistakes. And yet, my Lord granted me someone like you."

Islah stayed silent, holding onto her hand and letting her speak her mind. She wouldn't do it otherwise, he knew.

"I have been through a lot. From becoming independent to studying to where I am today. Everything takes a lot of energy and sometimes I forget the important things in life. Like right now." She continued without looking at Islah.

She then turned to face him and smiled when she saw he wasn't looking at her. She pulled his hand making him turn to her. Staring in the blue-gray eyes, Yusra found home once again. She felt the rush of emotions she did back when she first met him.

The fierce yet gentle Islah Reza-Ibrahim still existed; even after all these years.

"Thank you." She told him and he let out a smile, showing his teeth.

"Thank you," he replied making her chuckle. His fingers grazed her rosy cheeks again as he continued smiling. "Always keep smiling, Yusra. You are beautiful that way."

His words made her blush. Perfection, he had thought in that moment. He leaned down and tenderly placed a kiss on her forehead. The kiss caused Yusra to still like a statue. Despite the loud rhythmic beating of her heart and the blood rushing in her ears, she fell still. Get used to it Yusra, he is finally yours. The happiness that filled each of her cells in the body, by that statement alone was over whelming. He is mine, Alhamdulillah. 

"In sha Allah, we'll remain together until the end and then in Jannah." Islah told her and Yusra smiled up at him. In sha Allah. 


One last chapter before epilogue! :) 

Take care, stay safe and pray, my loves.

We got this! 

| R - C - V |



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