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Chapter 24: I would hate to leave her here all alone.


"Being a mother is an attitude, 

not a biological relation."

-Robert A. Heinlein, Have Space Suit—Will Travel-


Islah was flustered for the first time in his life and he had been through a lot of things. This though, this did not compare to anything before. He has seen happiness, sadness, love, grief and a lot more. But this topped his list.

He was seeing the woman of his life, laughing. Her face was radiant and flushed and she flashed her pearly teeth when she laughed. This captivated him and he was lost, for a moment. This is new. This is good kinda new. I like this. Wallahi, I like this even though the chances of my mother throwing tantrums at me are high.

"Islah?" Lila called out to him and he turned to his mother. Lila smiled at him fondly and took his hand. Before she could speak though, the music slowed and the master of ceremony (emcee) called out for everyone to be seated. So Lila said nothing and instead, guided him towards their table. Right in front of the Abideen's where Rabail was seated with Yusra and Maha.

Islah carefully took a seat where he could directly see his woman and his mother noticed this. Of course dearest Islah remained oblivious. Ah perfect view. I sound like a creep, Wallahi. He blushed a deep shade of red and his mother grinned at him before placing her hand on his face.

"Are you sick, Islah?" Lila questioned, making Islah fluster and stammer a little.

"No. No. I mean no, I am not. Its just the heart-heat" he corrected himself quickly but his mother caught the mistake.

"Of course. The heart-Heat" she replied, saying the heart-heat part exactly as Islah did. Islah blushed slightly, looking away to the entrance where the bride and groom were walking at. He didn't pay much attention to them though for his mind was at many places at once. For one. What if mum has caught me?

Soon enough, the couple of the night were at the main stage and things just went by as they do in every wedding. Emcee spoke, other people spoke, lots of clapping and soon, it was time for the dances. And food. Islah stayed rooted at his seat because he had already outed himself to his mother quite a lot during the night and he wasn't ready for another one.

That was until his mother stood up and took both her sons with her to the Abideen's table. Islah wanted to grin, heavens know he had a hard time keeping that stupid grin off his face. It was like all the facial muscles were working at their own accord. Good lord, Islah!


Yusra was entranced, enchanted and- well she could not think of a word for this feeling of hers. But above all, she was anxious because Islah was making his way towards their table. She watched him peripherally, walk so elegantly in his black Armani (Yusra thought it was anyway) and those dressing shoes that spoke rich in 3 different languages.

Lila greeted them warmly and took a seat at one of the vacant chairs. Right beside Yusra and her heartbeat quickened. Oh lord. Why beside me? Islah followed his mother's greeting and so did Iravat. The brothers pulled a chair from the next table and took their seats beside Professor Abideen. Yusra avoided eye contact with the brothers at every cost.

Lila smiled at Yusra before turning to Nasreen and starting a conversation about lord knows what since Yusra was busy trying not to be caught off guard. She turned to Maha to see her already engrossed, talking about something along the lines of food to Rabail. She huffed a sigh and leaned back on her chair, looking down at her hands.

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