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Chapter 6: Unsettling blue-gray eyes. 


"He stumbled out of his phlegmatic apathy,

when she entered his life like an epiphany."



First day of work went good, according to Yusra. There was just one thing that kept nagging her. The CEO. Those blue-gray eyes, there's just something about them. Something that's unsettling. In a good way, her mind reminded her and she rolled her eyes. 

She picked up her notebook and skimmed through it. She had met the Strategic and Analysis team. A total of 6 of them. They were nice and there were no females. Their department chief, Robert De'vallos informed her that there were only three female employees around. One being the receptionist, Rita. The second one was the mother-of-all around here, Mrs. Zhan and the final one was Alayna, one of the programmers. Apparently, most females could not survive this place so they left.

"Yusra? Let's leave" she nodded absentmindedly, still reading the notebook. The tasks written there were simple. They were something Yusra did every day, being the disciplined child she is.

"Yusra?" this time, Zain snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. Yusra glared at him and he grinned at her. She shook her head at him and stood up. She placed the notebook in her bag along with the pen. The pen was something she DIY-ed a few years ago. It was peach with silver glitter all around it. At the top was a koala bear's face, smiling.

She hung her bag over her shoulders and turned to Zain.

"You were waiting for me?" she asked him and he nodded at her. She walked out of the refreshment room towards the stairs that led to the first floor. Zain walked beside her.

"How was first day?" he asked her and she shrugged.

"It was..... okay" she replied, her mind travelling to the blue-gray eyes. The moment their eyes met in the conference hall, Yusra knew that those perhaps, may become her favorite pair of eyes soon. And she hated to admit it. She only saw his face and she's a firm believer of personality and character before looks.

The two walked towards the lobby and Yusra waved at Rita who smiled and waved back.

"YUSRA!!" she halted on her tracks with wide eyes. Who is yelling my name in the middle of the lobby? She turned around towards the stairs to see a female running towards her. She smiled at her awkwardly. Who is she? And how does she know my name?

The woman came to a stop in front of her with a grin. Her dark hair was tied to the back in two cornrows and she wore black studded earrings. Yusra noted a small tattoo on her wrist when she waved her hand. She had black boots on with a white shirt and black jeans. She was beautiful, with golden brown skin and piercing dark hazel eyes. 

"I heard there was another girl in this place so I came running to meet you" she told Yusra who continued to smile awkwardly. How am I supposed to react?! The girl noticed this and let out a small laugh.

"I am Alayna, by the way. A programmer" she replied and Yusra nodded with familiarity. Robert had told me about her.

"Hi. I am Yusra. Intern" she replied, holding out her hand. Alayna smiled and shook it.

"Alayna-" she said and let out an awkward laugh. "-but you already know that. Nice to meet you Yusra. And I uh am sorry. About calling you so loudly" Yusra smiled at her and shook her head.

"It's alright. Nice to meet you too, Alayna" Yusra replied. Despite her...... utterly strict look on the outside, she seems like a very warm person.

"Alright. I'll see you later. Bye" Alayna said before turning and walking away. Yusra breathed out slowly and turned to see an astonished Zain.

"What?" she rolled her eyes, walking out of the double electronic doors. The air was crisp and Yusra inhaled a deep breath. Ah beautiful afternoon.

"You want to eat? I am famished" Zain said and Yusra shook her head, pulling out her phone from the side zip of her bag. Zain watched her wearily.

"Then, let me walk you home"

"I am not walking home, Zain. My house is hours away from here"

"Perhaps coffee then?"

"I prefer tea" Yusra told him, dialing her father's number. Dawud Abideen answered it on the second ring.

"Salaam abbi. Where are you?"

"Wa alaikum mus salaam, Yusra. Leaving work. Shall I pick you up on the way?" he asked and Yusra grinned.

"I am waiting in front of A&X's building. See you" with that she hung up. Zain smiled at her and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"I am leaving then" he told her and she nodded, waving at him.


"I am really leaving, Yusra" he called out to her from a distance. Yusra looked at him wearily, still waving. With a sarcastic smile, she called out a bye before taking a seat at the large marble steps laid out in front of the building. Zain watched her with a sad smile. She would never understand your feelings, Zain, his thoughts told him. He let out a heavy sigh before walking away towards the bus stop.

Yusra plugged in her headphones and listened to music, specifically The Vamps songs. She is a fan and the one person she wants to marry happens to be Bradley Simpson. Yusra softly sang the lyrics of somebody to you and her Nikes-clad-feet tapped on the ground according to the beats.

Finally after five songs, a red Toyota Land Cruiser halted in front of her and she stood up. She dusted her skirt as she walked happily towards the said vehicle. The slightly tinted windows rolled down and Dawud waved at his daughter with a grin. Yusra opened the front passenger door and got in before putting on her seatbelt.

Dawud looked around the place and nodded with pride.

"As salaam alaikum" his daughter spoke just as they pulled towards the main street.

"Wa alaikum mus salaam, baba. How was first day at work?" he questioned Yusra who grinned at him.

"I have so much to tell you! Baba, they have a relaxation room and the people here are geniuses! There are four of us in total-" Yusra began her enthusiastic explanation of her day and Dawud Abideen listened attentively. After all, it was his only daughter's first day of work.

Unknown to Yusra, Islah Reza-Ibrahim stood at the floor to ceiling glass windows in his office gazing down at her antics fondly. When he saw a red land cruiser pull up and Yusra boarding it, he immediately asked for the CCTV footage of the entrance and noted the number. 'Just to make sure my hijabi is safe' he had thought. 'You really need to stop calling her your hijabi, Islah' his brain told him. But to the smitten Islah, it didn't matter.

What he did not understand was why he was feeling such things. 


Heyy! :)

| R - C - V |



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