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Chapter 3: Stop. 


"And I

fell for you,

like raindrops"

-How an ocean is made: P A V A N A-


Night fell across the city as Islah stared out of the large floor to ceiling window of his room. The large green trees at their backyard hindered his view of the city outside but it did give him a peace of mind.

The days' events played in his mind like a broken record. You haven't even seen her face, for gods sake Islah! His mind chastised him but somehow, he kept thinking about the kid. She had to be smart to be able to break into the server like that. But she is so short?! Or you are the giant, his mind reprimanded him. He nodded to himself. He stood 6 foot one inch, which clearly made him the giant in the picture.

"Islah?" he heard his mother call out. He sighed, running his hand through his dark hair and messing it up. He turned around and walked out of the room and down the stairs of his double storey house. He sighted his younger brother in the living room, watching some cartoon on television while his mother set beside him, writing away on her notepad.

He walked to the living room and made a beeline for the remote. Of course the younger brother, Iravat saw this and immediately picked it up. Islah eyed him wearily, holding out his hand.

"Give the remote, Irav" he said firmly. Iravat stuck his tongue out at him and continued to watch the TV. He glared at him before diving atop his brother and taking the remove forcibly from his hands. Since Islah was bigger than Iravat, it was easier to dominate the poor kid. He set straight once he procured the remote and changed the channels immediately to check what was on the others. When he found nothing nice, he settled back with Mr. bean that was playing on TV.

"Did you have dinner yet?" his mother asked him, looking up from the notebook filled with calculations. Islah smiled at her before nodding.

"I had food when I came home. I was starved" he told her and she nodded, going back to the book. He watched his mother work with great interest, like the olden days. His mother had graying hair but her beauty remained, he noted with a smile.

A few hours into the cartoon, Iravat had fallen asleep onto the sofa with his legs thrown over Islah. His mother had already gone to bed a while ago. He checked the time on his black watch and let out a small sigh. 1am. I haven't slept. He hadn't been paying attention to the cartoon either earlier. His mind was elsewhere. Preferably someone with a peach hijab. Islah! Stop. Stop. You don't even know her besides her name! The sensible part of him reprimanded him but the smitten part merely laughed. And what a beautiful name it is. Yusra Uz-Zaman. He let out a small chuckle when he realized he had been thinking about a kid, a female one at that this whole time. Well there is always a first.

He pushed off Iravat's legs from over his lap and stood up. He looked down at his younger brother and sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Giving him a room is useless! He'll fall asleep everywhere but there" Islah muttered to himself as he walked out of the living room and up the stairs. He opened the door that read IRAVAT in bold letters. Picking up a pillow and the blanket, he walked back downstairs.

Islah picked up Iravat's head and placed the pillow underneath it. He then placed the blanket over his body sprawled on the couch before switching off the TV and checking the AC. After making sure that everything was well and locked up, he walked back upstairs to his room.

Taking a seat in front of his computer, he let out a sigh. Time to work.


Yusra took her usual seat at the dining table, beside her father. Nasreen Abideen, her mother eyed her wearily from across the table. Beside her set Abaan, her 15 year old cousin while across from Abaan set his sister, Maha and mother (Dawud's widowed sister), Maheen. Maha was older than Yusra by a few years and Maheen was looking for a suitable groom for her.

"Your breaks starts next week, doesn't it?" Nasreen asked Yusra who merely nodded, picking up the rice bowl. She took some rice and lamb curry before saying her prayers and starting food.

"Since you will be home, come help me in the shop" Nasreen stated, eating her own food. "It has been busy lately" Yusra shrugged.

"I have applied for internships, let's see what reply I get" she said and Nasreen breathed a heavy sigh, placing her hands on the table.

"Yusra, don't you think you are studying too much?" Nasreen questioned her daughter who smiled at her. Of course this would come up.

"No mama. Why?" she then turned to her father with the same smile and questioned. "Baba. Do you think I am studying too much?" Dawud, who was calmly eating food frowned at his daughter and glanced at his wife. Nasreen eyed him furiously, as if to saying; 'say the wrong word and you will be sleeping outside'. Dawud picked up the glass of water and took a sip, formulating his next words carefully. He hated it when his daughter and wife placed him in a predicament.

Yusra eyed her father with mischief. Go on baba. Take my side.

"I did tell Yusra about it. But this is her life, don't you think Nasreen? Like every independent girl, she must have a choice of doing what she wants. Let us be at rest knowing our daughter would not break our trust" he said and Maheen rolled her eyes at her brothers words. Of course, Yusra would be Miss. Perfect, she thought.

Yusra nodded in delight and continued to eat her food, oblivious to the fuming Nasreen and Maheen. Maheen leaned towards her sister-in-law with a small smile.

"She is a child, Nasreen. Let her be" she whispered and Nasreen glared at Yusra more.

"Being 22 is not considered being a child, Maheen! She is 22 with so many certificates and starting her Masters soon. I am honestly worried about this kid" she whispered back and Maheen placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry"

Yusra did over-hear her mother and aunt talking but she chose to ignore them, much like she usually does. Their main priority was finding Maha a husband and Yusra thought they should stick to their jobs. She was happy with what she had right now.

"Ah right. Before I forget" Nasreen began and everyone stopped eating to listen to her. "I met this really nice Muslim lady the other day. Remember I was telling you all about Lila? She is Egyptian. Maheen, you should meet her. She is absolutely a darling" Nasreen said, grinning at Maheen. Maheen nodded at her with a smile. Ah, show them what our status is actually? 

"Should we invite them next weekend?" questioned Nasreen and Yusra rolled her eyes. Isn't next weekend too fast? What's the hurry anyway?

"As you wish, Nasreen" Maheen replied. Clearly they are delighted, thought Yusra with a small smile. Khair, happiness above all anyway.

She finished her meal and waited until everyone was done before they all got up together and headed to their own destination. Today was Yusra's turn for the dishes so she went into the kitchen to finish it.

"Why could I not just stay at the dorms?" she muttered to herself, piling the plates into the dishwasher. It would be better than listening to mom tell me to stop studying. Jeez. 


[EDIT: | 22/04/2020 | There were slight changes in this chapter. Please don't get confused! ]

As salaam Alaikum, my panda's! 

How are you guys?

Do stay indoors and stay safe! :) 

| R - C - V |



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