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Chapter 28: Return of the CEO.


"And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars."

-Beth Revis: Across the Universe-


"Are you serious?"


"No way," Yusra rolled her eyes at the boys' gossips. She was amused at how much these boys know about people. They should meet the Aunties! She grinned maniacally.

"Why are you grinning like that?" She turned to her side to see a confused looking Alayna.

"Nothing," she replied and Alayna narrowed her eyebrows making Yusra laugh. She had become close to her and the boys (namely; Wren, Cordon, Pritvi (strategic and analysis department), Lee Hyn, Casten, Than (Screening and testing department), Kris, Virat and Mateo (Programming and Designing) and of course the interns.) 

They kept her entertained with a lot of news, jokes and people watching. Yes, that is apparently a thing amongst these boys. She learned quite a lot about the boys, like their random quirks and obsession with coffee. They didn't speak of their personal lives nor asked about hers so she didn't pry either.

It was Friday, the last day of her training with Screening and Testing department. She had fun though. They had played multiple games and competitions; from which Yusra learnt a lot. It was lunch hour and she was out of office for lunch with these people. They had an hour so they chose the small diner across from their office building.

"Where have you guys decided to stay for the rest of the time of internship?" questioned Casten and Yusra shrugged, biting onto her sandwich.

"It's up to the department chief's." replied Old Han with a sigh and Jackson nodded. Zain agreed to it while Yusra continued eating. Their lunch was cut short when they received an email stating there was a meeting at Level 5 in five minutes.

They panicked and hurriedly paid before picking up their lunches and running (literally running for which Yusra was glad to be wearing runners) towards the office. By the time Yusra made it to the fifth floor, she was panting with a drink in one hand and uneaten brown paper wrapped sandwich in the other.

"This better be good," muttered Than from beside her and she chuckled, the sound coming out as a wheeze only. Alayna patted her back and Yusra was finally able to regain proper breathing.

"I am sorry to have rushed you all," Yusra's head snapped up at the voice, all frustrations melting away. He is back, her face slowly broke into a grin when she saw him. He stood at the landing of the stairs leading up to the sixth floor; looking regal as ever. His eyes were scanning the place and Yusra waited until it met hers. When it did, she found herself not being able to look away. He is really here. He is really here! Yusra then realized how much she missed him and her heart swelled. She blinked away the slight tears that formed behind her eyelids. She blinked rapidly and looked away from him. Why am I tearing up over seeing him?!

"Good afternoon everyone," he began and his voice brought her back to him. "As I said before, I apologize for cutting short your lunch breaks."

"You better be," muttered Than from beside her and she let out a grin. Someone's grumpy. Casten elbowed him causing him to shut up effectively.

"This is important because I have news for you all. First and foremost, the interns-" he said, looking at Yusra."-would be leaving us in two weeks." His gaze left hers and she felt that it was meant for her. Leaving us in two weeks.

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