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Chapter 18: Feelings and stuff.


"All things remarkable are surprisingly simple; albeit difficult to find."

-Criss Jami, Healology-


If Islah was not wrong, which he was sure he wasn't, Yusra is jealous. That is the only logical explanation of her behavior. It matched his when he saw her with Zain. One logical explanation! Does that mean she feels the same way? Hmmm.

"Step out that bubble. We have a meeting to attend!" Markos told him and Islah rolled his eyes. They were at the Bayview Hotel, meeting a potential investor here. This investor owned a robotics company and is a good friend of his father.

"Islah!" Islah stood up and turned around to see a familiar face of Tahmoor Yavuz smiling at him. Islah grinned back.

"Mr. Yavuz" he replied, hold out his hand for Tahmoor to shake. Tahmoor Yavuz was Turkish, bright green eyes, dark hair and a towering figure. His eyes may be green but it doesn't match my hijabi's! 

"Please sit" Tahmoor and Islah took their seats.

"I heard so much about your company. You've managed to reach new heights that even your father hadn't" Tahmoor complimented while Islah simply smiled at his modesty. Dad and granddads before them have done so much more than me.

"How are your parents by the way?" The old man asked him and Islah smiled.

"They are good, Alhamdulillah. Mom's at university while dad probably is at work"

"Ah nice. My son was actually supposed to come today, I apologize to be on his behalf" Islah knew that. Tahmoor Yavuz had only one son, Mirac Yavuz who is studying. He is being trained to take up the post but Islah knew that would be hard. Mirac is a nice guy but his father can be a little too much sometimes.

"It's all right. He did apologize a thousand times already" Islah replied, even though Mirac only apologized four times for not making it.

The meeting went on smoothly, it turned out Mirac had done his thorough research on the company so they could invest without hesitance. Islah felt accomplished by the end of the meeting. Thank you Mirac Yuvaz.

He returned to the office that afternoon, after midday prayers. He had planned to introduce Rabail to the entire team formally in the afternoon but it all depends on what she has to say. So with that intent (and also the silent intent of seeing his hijabi), Islah made his way to Rabail's cabin as soon as he entered the company.

He knocked on the cabin door three times before he heard Rabail call him in. He walked into the room, immediately searching it for his familiar hijabi. She's not here.

"Hey" he turned to Rabail, who was seated behind her desk. He smiled at her.

"Hey. You ready to meet them?" he asked her, walking over to her and she nodded.

"Great. See you on the second floor, refreshment floor at 3pm. Don't be late, we hate tardiness" he jested at the end causing her to laugh. He turned and walked out of the cabin, wondering where his hijabi was.


Yusra kept herself busy. If she didn't, her mind would go towards a certain blue-gray eyed devil and she would lost her composure. Something about him is irking me today. Everything about Islah was irking her today and she had no idea why.

"Yusra?" she looked up from her desk to see Zain peering at her. She raised her eyebrows at him, waiting for him to talk.

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked her and she looked down at the work she's doing. It's almost done. The final list of adjustments needed in one of their small scale projects, The Aerarium. The Aerarium is program that looks out for their finances, created by Dawud Reza-Ibrahim and has been modified since then to keep up with the latest trends.

Yusra smiled and looked back to him.

"Yeah. Sure" Zain looked visibly relaxed.

"Great. Then can you accompany me downstairs to get coffee?" he asked. Accompany him to get coffee? Why?

"Why?" It was not suspicion talking, rather it was her curiosity asking the question. Zain shrugged.

"You don't go out with me on normal days so I thought maybe we could at least get coffee together this way" he replied and Yusra gawked at him. He actually thought about this. Awh. Unlike other people, her mind replied sassily. 

"Zain, look. I am-" before she could complete her sentence, the department chief called out for everyone to head to the refreshment floor. Yusra turned to him to listen to his complete statement before she got up and picking up her phone, she turned to leave behind Izak. She did give Zain an apology smile before leaving though. 

Soon after she left, Zain received a message from Old Han, stating everyone was at the Refreshment floor and that he needed to move too. 

Yusra walked straight towards Old Han and Jackson right by the counter, where they always set. She glanced behind her to check if Zain followed. Surely if the other interns are here, he should be too.

She took her seat beside Old Han, greeting the two in the process.

"Yusra! Been a while" Jackson commented causing Yusra to chuckle lightly. Soon Zain arrived and the four waited for whatever the reason they were called here. Yusra watched as people walked onto the floor, talking and mingling. She waved at Alayna, Ashmer (another collegue from strategic team) and a few others.

The room began quietening down and Yusra craned her neck to see the entrance for any sign of the CEO. He stood there, looking regal in a black Armani suit and Yusra's heart skipped a beat. She placed her hand on her chest, right above the erratically beating heart. What is wrong with me?! She stared at him smile brightly at everyone and look around, as if- he were looking for someone. A little part of her said perhaps he was searching for her but the other, rational (and bigger) part said otherwise.

She watched him search until his eyes landed on her. Blue-gray met green ones and Yusra found herself lost when he smiled. Islah's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw her but so did hers. She gradually found herself smiling back despite her anger at him. Why was I angry at him anyway? That was when it all began making sense. 

His smile, his voice, his presence and his eyes. His eyes were what Yusra knew were her favorite now and it made sense. As the pieces began putting themselves together in her mind, her heart raced. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, making her sweat bullets. She paled and she felt lightheaded, as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on her. It all makes sense now. I have feelings for him. I LIKE ISLAH REZA-IBRAHIM.

That was when she blacked out. 


| Not Proofread |

So I had alot of fun reading your comments on the last chapter, thank you so much!

Take care of yourselves! Stay Safe and Hygienic. 

| R - C - V |



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