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Chapter 37: Life and More. 


"A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. 

But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, 

then you have something very special."

-Nelson Mandela-


"Let yourself loose. Find new adventures and compete with life. You'll do amazing, I am sure." Markos stood in front of everyone with a smile on his face as he spoke. The interns were sitting at the front while others were at different tables.

It was their last day at the company workshop as well as the farewell of interns. The sun was out and the birds chirped nearby as the soft breeze rushed past the people.

"Alright everyone! Time to present the interns with their farewell gifts!" Markos announced and everyone cheered. Yusra glanced over to the back towards Islah who was grinning at her. She grinned back before turning to Markos again. The department chief's had a gift for each one of them before it was time for the CEO to present the top intern award. It was a traditional award given to their top intern who will have the opportunity to work with them.

"I remember my top intern award." Casten sighed from the back making Yusra turn to him.

"You were a top intern?"

"Yeah. Most of us were."


Islah walked to the front and stood with so much grace and power that Yusra felt blinded for a second. The sun formed a halo over him making him look ethereal. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all are doing good. To be our top intern, one needs to be resilient, hardworking, over-achieving, flexible and the list goes on. Everyone knows that. And our current interns have proven us that they are exactly that and so much more. So in the light of the current scores and evaluation, I have good news. But before that, ladies and gentlemen, our top intern of 2020 is Yusra Uz-Zaman." Islah's words were heard loud and clear as everyone clapped and cheered. Yusra grinned at him, blushing slightly. Ah my woman is so beautiful.

She stood up and walked over to Islah to take her award. When the two were standing together, Wren elbowed Than making him groan in pain.

"What is it?" he harshly whispered. Wren was almost to tears.

"They are wearing matching clothes! Look! White shirt and dress, denim jeans, white sneakers and omg. Their Nikes are the same!" Than wanted to die. He was tired to Wren's fanboying antics.

"I don't even know why I am with you at this point, honestly!"

"Wren. Are you seeing what I am seeing?" whispered Casten from beside him. Wren excitedly nodded. Than glared at Casten before sharing a desperate look with Xia who was beside Casten. These boy's will be the death of us.

Meanwhile, Islah's eyes could not leave Yusra's. The said woman saw this but said nothing. She knew he was having his little moment. Why is she so beautiful? Like Wallahi! How did I not see this before? Maybe it's the- Stop Islah. You are staring.



"Stop staring and continue with your speech." Yusra told him with a smile. Islah snapped out of his reverie with slight blush coating his cheeks and neck. This made the front two rows erupt into loud cheers (led by the one and only Rabail) making Islah's neck and face even more red. He laughed before holding his hands up for them to calm down. When they did, he spoke.

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