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Chapter 14: I Swear I am not on Drugs, it's Korean Dramas. 


"At the end of that long dream, I finally made a choice. 

That even if I go back in the past, even if I do for a hundred more times, 

I will still choose to meet you."

-Yoon Se-ri: Crash Landing on You-


That afternoon, the Reza-Ibrahim house was filled with chatter and laughter since Ahmed is back. After prayers and dinner, Irav retired to his room to finish some assignment while Islah set in the living room with his parents. Just then, the doorbell rang and Islah stood up with a grin. His mother and brother had no idea Rabail Darwish was here.

Islah walked to the main door and opened it wide with a grin. In front of him stood his childhood friend, Rabail Darwish. Rabail had chocolate brown hair that was currently tied in a braid thrown over her left shoulder, with bright gray eyes and a warm smile. She also has dimpled cheeks when she smiles. She was dressed in a blue kurti that ended at her knees and jeans.

Rabail rolled her eyes at Islah's blatant staring.

"I am still better looking than you, Islah. Nothing changed" she sassed him, stepping inside past Islah. The boy rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him.

"Please. I am the better looking on and before you protest, every girl at the university used to say so" he replied nonchalantly causing Rabail to laugh. And as she did, she repeatedly hit his shoulders until he was sure they were bruised.

"Good joke" she said, sobering up. The two walked towards the living room with Islah rubbing his sore arm and Rabail looking at the place. Not much has changed since I last visited, she thought with a fond smile.

When Lila saw Rabail, the woman leapt up from the sofa and rushed to engulf the young lady in her embrace. Rabail laughed as her aunt hugged her tightly. That was until she could not breathe anymore. While she waved her arms around asking for help, Islah and Ahmed stood beside each other with identical smiles and posture. If anyone saw the two, they'd think present and future met each other right there. Good old mother too.

"Alright Lila. You can let her go, she's turning blue" Ahmed pried her off Rabail who inhaled a deep breath after the embrace. Lila laughed and placed a kiss on the side of Rabail's head.

"How has my habibti been?" she asked, walking to the sofa with her hand. Rabail looked around and her eyes landed on Islah who smirked. Rabail rolled her eyes. I see how we are doing this.

"IRAV!" Islah's voice rang through the house causing the others to flinch.

Irav groaned placing his head on the textbook he was reading at the study table in his room. His brother never called him unless it was important. He sighed and stood up, pulling a hoodie over his head. He was wearing white tees and sweats. His dark hair was messy and he could care less. He is a sleep deprived and caffeine surviving college student anyway.

"Yeah?" he finally made it downstairs into the living room.

"Rabail is here" His eyes opened widely and he met familiar gray ones, which were dancing in amusement. Iravat stood in the middle of the hallway for a good minute or two, contemplating if he should go upstairs and change or simply leave it. Finally deciding on the latter, he shrugged. Sleep deprived-caffeine surviving college student! He thought with a sigh.

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