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Chapter 38: Far. 


"Love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage."

-Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary-


The atmosphere in the Abideen household had been tense after the revelation of Yusra and Islah's plans of marriage. Nasreen ceased to minimal talking with Yusra, claiming that her child had broken her heart while Dawud told her to worry about her finals.

Days turned into weeks and into months before it was time for Yusra to sit for the finals. After the last practical exam, she would be a free bird. Until her masters of course. Seasons changed from summer to winter as her finals approached. Her sleep schedule changed and she found herself getting minimal sleep.

But she wasn't the only one worried. Islah worried about her equally. He wanted her to succeed in life and getting good grades in the finals would be her first step towards her dream university. He could pull a few strings with them but he knew she would not appreciate his intervention. So he kept mum.

While she was busy prepping for her finals, Maha was getting ready for her wedding that was to take place a day after Yusra's final exam. She was glad it was after her exams. Because of all the hassle and chaos in the house, she was mostly found in the library where either Islah or Rabail would drop off food and coffee for the woman. Often Islah would accompany her to the library and while she studied, he would stare at her to his heart's content.

And finally the day of her last exam arrived and Yusra was sure she would do well. She always has and this was cybersecurity, her favorite. After finishing her final task in the exam hall, she walked out with a grin.

The sun was out and shining upon her, making her even more happy. It's a good day.

"I take it the exam went well?" she turned around to face Islah, leaning onto his fancy jeep. He waved at her and she skipped towards him, halting right in front of him. He laughed.

"It was a good exam then." He stated and she nodded at him. It's good to see her finally smiling, he thought. 

"You hungry?" she asked him and he nodded, opening the car door. She got in while muttering a starving under her breath. Once Yusra was seated, her mind immediately began reeling on the events recently. With Maha's wedding in three days and her news of leaving soon, everything has been chaotic in the Abideen household. She felt guilty, really guilty as days went by. She didn't have any right to crush her mother's happiness like this. 

Islah saw her in deep thought as he pulled out of the parking lot of the university. He sighed. 

"What's bothering you?" he asked her. He knew something has been up lately but since she had exams, he didn't ask. Yusra refused to speak. Instead, she smiled uncertainly at him. How can I tell him it's my own mother who's against me this time? 

"Yusra." he began gently and she turned to him with glassy green eyes. He glanced at her and cursed himself for doing so. The emotions that laced her beautiful green eyes made his heart hurt. And he hated it. 

"It's okay. It's going to be okay. Whatever it is, it's temporary." he consoled her and she let out a smile. Despite not knowing what's bothering me, he still consoled me. 

"Am I doing the right thing?" she finally asked the deepest question of her heart. Islah was taken back by this. 

"Why are you asking that?" 

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