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Chapter 31: Meetings and Stuff. 


"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. 

It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

-Dave Meurer-


To say Islah's house was large would be an understatement. Yusra did not exactly realize how rich Islah was until she saw their property. Islah's house had a modern look to it, with concrete and red-brown trex fence surrounding it. Their family name was written in fancy calligraphy on the metallic plate attached to the fence. The afternoon sun cast a multitude of colored hues around the house, reflecting on the glass doors and windows. Yusra was momentarily mesmerized.

Her father pulled through the gates that opened automatically and Yusra had to stop herself from swooning. Let's just say, she had a thing for beautiful houses. She drove through the gates and parked behind her father's cruiser on the concrete pavement. She looked to the house to see Rabail and Iravat walking out of the house, behind Lila and Ahmad.

She unlocked the door and the cousins got off. Taking her phone and fixing her hijab, she got off too. She locked the car behind her and walked towards them, on the marbled path surrounded by green grass. Her eyes scanned the place, searching for familiar blue-gray eyes but she didn't find him.

"As salaam alaikum," she said trying her best to hide the little disappointment she felt. Immediately she was pulled into a hug by Lila and then Rabail. She laughed as soon as they let go.

"Wa alaikum mus salaam. Come in." Lila told them, guiding them inside. Yusra looked around the place. There was a garage (which was closed) right infront of where her father parked the car. The front yard was large, with flowers and plants and winding pebble paths everywhere. Scattered but organized? Is that supposed to be a thing?

Rabail grabbed her hand, breaking her thoughts effectively and they walked into the house. The doorway had a place for shoes (she followed Rabail, taking off her shoes and placing them beside a pair of Nikes that looked exactly like hers, except bigger). She then followed Rabail into the house, as silently as her socks clad feet could walk.

The living of the Reza-Ibrahim house had a white and gray theme; white walls and gray sofa's, floor to ceiling windows with charcoal gray colored curtains and high ceilings from which, hung a beautiful chandelier. Yusra admired the place as she took a seat on the lush sofa's. Where is Islah?

"As salaam alaikum," she turned towards the stairs to see the man in question, walking towards them. Oh wow. Masha allah, he would put the afternoon sunset to shame. Her heart raced and she felt warm. A course of happiness rushed through her, at finally being at his house. His place. His turf. He did not meet her eyes so she zeroed in on his hair. It's wet. He was showering? Now? Islah walked over to her father and Abaan, shaking their hands. She diverted her gaze from Islah (afraid that either she'd die of a heart attack or her mother would catch her looking) and turned to the snacks on the table.

Rabail gave her a plate, taking a seat beside her. She turned to Rabail with a questioning look.

"Eat." With that, Rabail began filling her plate with different snacks. Samosa's! Along with that, there were Falafels, Kofta, Chicken Nuggets (Yusra was overjoyed by this) and Potatoe Wedges. Yusra grinned at the variety of snacks and picked up the Samosa's.

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