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The Award show went all as planned, and the boys entered the lobby of their dorm. Seokjin ordered the Panda express already as promised as they gathered in the elevator along with a small female who was also going up.

She stayed in the corner and stayed quite, not daring to look away from her feet. She was very frail and wore baggy clothes that hung off of her.

The elevator stopped on the 6th floor, and the girl dashed out like she was in a hurry. The boys didn't think much into it as the only thing that filled their minds was the food soon to be eaten.

They finally got to the very top floor, where their dorm was.

The penthouse.

The boys got comfortable and even brought out some wine, all enjoying each others company. After the show they now have about a month of free time, though most of them still prefer to work on themselves for Armys, it was a time with no busy schedule.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and sometimes Taehyung and Jimin would go to the gym in the building.

Namjoon had a love for readings all kinds of books and being a clumsy leader of course.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi were usually the ones who worked on music even when they didn't need to, although the two youngest sometimes like to work on solo works.

Hoseok also still dances in his free time. He loves going live for Armys and doing his 'Hope on the Street' skit. Don't forget Seokjins 'Eat Jin" Skits either, where he eats with Armys and explains the food he is eating.

Jungkook and Taehyung love art and will usually paint or go out to take pictures together.

Yoongi spent his free time in the 'Genius Lab'. His music studio. The boys never questioned it. They knew their hyungs love of music and his introverted persona. He had his friends just like the other boys, he just wasn't as open.

Yoongi stood from a bar stood and stretched, looking at the other boys. "I am going to head out for a coffee. Anyone want anything?"

  Jimin decided that he wanted to come with him so they quietly left the room and instantly noticed the sudden 'Out of Order' sign on the elevator.

"I guess we are tackling eleven floors of stairs. You sure you still wanna come with me?" Yoongi snickered to the younger as he didn't think twice about wanting his coffee. The boys put on their hats and face masks, making sure to not show their faces.

The two stayed quiet as it was a late into the night, the sun not visible anymore. As they came around to the fifth floor, they heard a harsh mans voice.

"You have got to be kidding me. You are getting a punishment when we get home. If you embarrass me in front of anyone you won't get any food tonight. Got it?" He sneered and suddenly hushed as he heard footsteps.

The two males noticed a girl sitting on the bottom stair with her hair covering her eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. She kept her eyes down as the male standing in front of her turned to the idols, nervously laughing and giving a small bow as they passed.

Jimin stopped as the elder kept going. He turned to the two again and cleared his throat, making it a bit deeper than normal. "Is everything okay?"

The male grabbed the girls arm and pulled her to stand up, showing Jimin a smile. "Yeah.. she just has some mental issues that is all. Thanks for the concern."

By now the elder noticed and walked next to the younger. Jimin, still not convinced, took a step closer to the girl and looked directly at her.

"Are you okay?"

The male wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer, making her flinch. "Y-Y-Yesh.." She stuttered in a high pitched and whiny voice. Sighing, Jimin and Yoongi walked away.

Finally getting down to the lobby and out of the building, they walked to the cafe just a few doors down the road. They ordered and decided to sit for a bit since it took a while to get there in the first place. They made sure to sit in a more hidden booth.

Yoongi sipped his americano and Jimin enjoyed a hot chocolate, and they shared some chocolate donuts bites. "Is there any new beats you have been working on hyung? You seem really focused lately."

   The elder shrugged off the question as the bell of the front door rung, and the semi familiar couple walked into the Cafe. The man walked the girl to a two person table, whispered something in her ear as she nodded sharply, and he went to go order.

"Hyung." The younger got his hyungs attention, motioning to the couple. "Something isn't right with them.."

Yoongi sighed and looked at his brother-like friend. "Either way. Don't mettle. It isn't our business and we don't need people figuring out who we are."

The younger nodded, but both of them kept a close look as the couple interacted with each other. The man came back with drinks only, a small chocolate banana milk and a large coffee of some sort.

When she saw the banana milk, her eyes lit up as if there wasn't tears falling a few minutes before. She went to reach for it  but the man smacked her hand and scolded her, making her look down sad once again.

The way her emotions changed reminded the two idols of a child and with a small amount of curiosity, kept watching them.

Once the milk was placed in front of her a small smile peaked out and she sipped through the small straw. Yoongi caught the sight of what looked like a bruise under her eye, and made it a mental note.

  He knew he shouldn't mettle, but he would be lying if he said he didn't feel right about how they interacted.

First Chapter done. Feedback is for sure okay!!

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