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  I felt a pressure on my chest as I stirred awake, blinking my eyes a few times to see. Chaeyeons head rested right on my chest and her arm wrapped around me tightly. I held back a chuckle as she moved a bit, her arm slowly coming to press against my chest to help herself sit up enough to meet my eyes.

  "Good morning Yoongi Oppa. I am sorry I was a pain last night..." She immediately apologized. I Just chuckled and wrapped my arm around her waist, bringing her closer. "Thinkin about that since you woke up?"

"Mhm.." She hummed honestly. I playfully closed my eyes and hugged her, rolling us both on our sides facing each other. "I don't wanna wake up. Lets go back to bed."

She giggled and hit my chest, trying to break free from my arms. "Oppa come on, I heard Seokjin call us for breakfast like five minutes ago."

I loosened my arms and she sat up in front of me, so I grabbed the blanket and tried to cover myself up. "Goodnighttt"

"Opppaaaa." She complained, ripping the blankets back off of me. I looked at her in the kitten onesie, smiling to myself of how adorable she looked. "adorable.."

Her cheeks instantly went red. "Huh?" I licked my lips and smirked. "You heard me, kitten."

Her cheeks went ten times darker as she nervously hit my shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, along with fixing my hair a bit. She giggled, helping me fix my hair. "Go out to breakfast little one. I will be out in a second."

She looked down at her lap with a smile, trying to fight it. Placing a finger under her chin I lightly pulled her gaze up to mine. "Don't fight it baby kitty. Go show your Oppas how adorable and perfect you are." I pecked her lips.

"Otay oppa. Don't be too long!" She called in her baby voice, skipping out of the room. I got out of bed to quickly shower, and walked out to the living room where they all cooed at her purposely acting cute.

"Yay! Oppa didn't fall sleep again!" She squealed, running up to me and hugging me. I pulled her back to the table and sat next to her, watching Seokjin put a pancake on her plate. I cut it up for her and raised a bite to her lips, but she pouted.

"If you eat enough I will take you out for some Chocolate banana milk, how's that sound?"

Her eyes brightened as she willingly took the bite, and even ate the rest of the pancake. "Are you proud of Yeonie Oppa?" She tilted her head to the side with hopeful eyes. I gave a nod and she bounced in her seat happily.

"Yuna unnie you hears dat? Yoonie proud of wittle yeonie!" She got out of her seat and skipped in circles around the table. "wetsz go outs for milk! Hehe"

"Don't forget to do as Yoongi says, okay sweetheart?" Taehyung assured as the little gave one movement of her head to say okay. Jungkook decided to come with for banana milk so Yuna helped get the little dressed and ready to go.

When the three of us got to the elevator Jungkook tickled the little, making giggles erupt from the small space. She tried getting away and failed many times, until she hid behind me. "Oppa stops it! My belly huwts."

"Okay okay little one I am done. Lets go get banana milk!" He jumped like a child and took her hand, as they both skipped out of the elevator. I rolled my eyes at the male adults childishness, walking behind them to the cafe.

Once we got in the booth and ordered, I got a phone call.


Yoongi answered the call with annoyed face, having both pairs on eyes on him. He sat with the phone to his ear for a solid minute before speaking.

"Father I told Hyung that I passed it through our manager first and no back lash is coming at us."

"Yes I had a reason to post it! You think I am stupid or something?"

"I don't care, I told you time and time again that you are not in charge of my life!"

The male sighed. "Yes I know about the spring family gathering. Yeah I will be there. I am hanging up"

He slammed his phone on the table making the two others jump. He leaned his head back on the booth, taking his cap off and holding his hair in fists. "Your Father nagging you again?" Jungkook asked, getting a small nod.

The girl that was no longer in a little headspace played with her straw, unsure of what to say or do.

"So you have parents who want to control your life too huh?" She chewed on the inside of her lip, keeping her eyes down at the table. Yoongi looked at her with a sad gaze after hearing she has to go through similar struggles with family.

"Every little thing I do my parents and older brother tell me I need to change this or that or I am going to ruin my career. They didn't even support me at the beginning." He informed, getting a small nod from the girl.

She stood up and came to Yoongis side of the booth, sitting next to him and leaning on his shoulder. "Yeah... my family controlled everything from the clothes I wore to the college I was going to go to. However when they met Taeho he showed them he was this unrealistically amazing guy who would take care of me until the end.."

She trailed off, slipping her arm around Yoongis and taking a deep breath. "He told them we were both going to the college my parents picked out and we both gave up phones so we could really focus.. obviously that isn't how things turned out. And I am going to have to explain everything and tell them I never went to college next week at a family gathering.."

"Am I the only one whos family doesn't do spring family gatherings?" Jungkook made all the of them chuckle.

"I will go with you to help explain to your parents. If we need to you can say I am a really close friend or..."


The Introvert's Baby (LITTLESPACE AU)Where stories live. Discover now