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(TW: Very detailed self harm)

  "I'm so disgusting..."

I watched as my tears fell down my face. One tear drop fell and wet my sleeve, giving me a horrible but at the time: great idea.

I double checked the door was locked, and reached for a razor. Quickly taking it apart I grabbed the this blade and just looked at it.

Am I really going to do this? A dorm full of famous people.. at that my boyfriend's friends.

The blade was sharp; being part of a not yet used razor. I looked back at the door, myself in the mirror, then back to the shiny metal.

  Just a few won't hurt....

   I pulled up my sleeve and looked at the almost healed skin, bitting my lip.

  "I am sorry Yoongi Oppa..."

  I put the blade to my skin, adding pressure as I drug it across. The one wound started to quickly bleed, dropping into the sink. I did it again, more in the middle of my forearm. I looked at the droplets in the sink, turning on the tap water and dropping my head in shame.

  Just as I was about to be done, her voice eched in my mind. "Yoongi-ah."

  In anger and sadness I went right at my wrist, slicing it a bit deeper than the others. Throwing away the blade I watched the blood drip down my arm, and once again into the sink of running water.

  As I placed my arm under the faucet I covered my mouth so I didn't wince at the sting. Once it all stopped bleeding I was slightly light headed, but pulled down my sleeve and took a deep breath.

  I'm so stupid....

  Yoongi is going to find out and get mad at me... I deserve the beatings I used to get from Taeho.

I pulled out my phone and opened Yuna and I's messages, slowly typing.

Unnie can you please take me home? I don't feel good and don't want to take Yoongi Oppa away from the fun.

Sure hun. Where are you right now?

Yoongis room.

Okay I am coming.

Thank you unnie

  I checked around for any mess and left the bathroom, sitting on the edge of Yoongis bed.

  The door slowly opened revealing a slightly worried Yuna and Jimin.

Why Jimin..

  Yuna came and pulled me off the bed by my good arm, giving me a sweet smile. "Jimin has to drive since I've been drinking a bit okay? Is everything okay sweetie?"

  "Yeah unnie.." I said in my hoarse, sore voice. She hushed me and pulled me out of the room, back into the main room.

  Jimin jogged up to Yoongi and let him know; but as he was about to stand up Jimin shook his head. Somehow he got him to stay as we left the building.

  We got to Jimins nice ass car, my sitting in the back behind Jimin.

  "Are you sure you are okay Chaeyeon-ssi? Is it smart for us to leave you at home alone?" Jimin asked this time, looking at me through the mirror.

  Not having the strength, I stayed silent and bit my bottom lip. He stayed quiet as well, sighing it off.

  When we arrived to the house I quickly got out, running into the house and straight to our room, bursting into tears once again.

  I heard the front door open and shut, along with Jimin and Yunas voices. Shortly after a knock was on the bedroom door, and the two walked in.

  I didn't bother the clean off the tears as Yuna sat next to me and Jimin kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong hun? It's obviously something." Yuna tried; rubbing my back.

  Now with the crying my throat hurt even more, making it impossible to speak. "Use your phone to type what you wanna say." Jimin suggested. I did as said, trying not to sob.

'I really don't feel good. Who is Suran? What is her history with Oppa?'

  Once Jimin saw it, he shared a 'oh' look with Yuna before sighing. "He only wrote her a song. They hardly ever talk since then. She is really nice and thoughtful. You don't have to worry about her."

'she was flirting with him the whole time tonight. Even before the alcohol.' I wrote.

  "I will talk to Yoongi hyung and make sure he doesn't let this fly again okay?" Jimin assured as he told me to relax, while he makes us all some food.

  Yuna stayed with me, rubbing my back and getting me to calm down for the most part. "How about slipping for a bit? I'm sure you will feel better."

  I thought on it for a second, but shook my head. I don't want it to just be an escape for when I'm upset. Age regression is a happy place for me.

  She just nodded, telling me a funny story of when she was younger where she tried to impress a boy; and it didn't go well.

  Getting me to crack a smile, Jimin called us out for some food.

  It was like 2am, but no one seemed to care. We all sat down, the both of them making me take some medicine for my throat before eating.

  Only having the appetite for like five bites, I downed the glass of water and yawned.

  Yuna took me back to my bedroom, laying me down and telling me to get some sleep. I was told Yuna was going to sleep in the guest bedroom while Jimin goes back to talk to Yoongi.

To tired to fight, I agreed and passed out the second my head touched the pillow.

I'm thinking Jiminie should give Yoongs a big smack in the face tbh lol

So I have a small vacation in two days so I will continue to write on the way, but I'm not too sure when I will be able to post. So I will most likey post a few chapters at a time.

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