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-Yoongi POV-

Taking the elevator down we went to the Café and found our seats, drinking our drink of choice. I ran my hands down my face and sighed, not ready for the stressful family event.

I felt a small hand on my wrist, looking up to be met with her beautiful smile. "I will be there with you oppa.. try not to stress much." He said as if she read my mind. I returned her smile, sipping my americano.

We talked for a little while and she slipped into little space, promising she would be back to her normal headspace in time for the event.


The car pulled up to the large cottage house with a few other cars in the front and I turned off the engine. "You ready?" I asked her in a sigh, getting a nod for an answer. We both watched as my brother and his fiance came out of the house, making their way to my car.

"I can do this." I whispered to myself as I got out of the car, going to Chaeyeons side, opening the door and taking her hand to help her out. When I shut the door for her, the couple walked up to us.

The older male looked straight at Chaeyeon with a fake smile. "You must be my brothers girlfriend, I am his older brother Junki. Its nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I am Chaeyeon." She bowed getting one back. His fiance introduced herself too and we started walking up to the house.

Chaeyeon came up to me and held into my arm, mouthing 'it will be fine.'

Once in the house, I greeted my mother and father, along with my aunt and uncle, and my cousin Siyeon.

We sat down in the living room to relax and talk before dinner, but it did not feel relaxing to me. "So, Yoongi what's coming up for the boys? I have been hearing 'butter' everywhere." My mother asked, like she usually does when I visit.

"We have a live online concert coming up in a few weeks for our 8 years as a band. Just like last year we are having a Muster preforming all the current songs and a few throw backs." I answered as she smiled brightly.

"Will you be preforming Fake Love? You know that is a favorite of mine."

I shook my head. "The only songs I know of right now is 'Moving on' and 'Idol'."

After telling more details of the up coming events I know of, the food was ready and we all gathered at the table so formally. No one really payed much attention to the extra human next to me, that was until food was served.

"So, Chaeyeon. What do you do for work?" My brother asked, showing that same fake smile. The girl looked at me slightly nervous, so I answered for her. "She isn't really working right now but she has been helping me a lot with producing."

  My brother frowned. "Unemployed? Did you have a job when you met my brother?"

She shook her head. "No I didn't. I am having trouble finding what it is I love to do." She spoke with a sincere smile on her face.

Junki tried his best to hide his sour expression, and I knew why. His questions were not to get to know Chaeyeon but to find out if she is a gold digger or not. I tried my best to stay out of the way because I know she isn't a gold digger, but that didn't mean my blood wasn't boiling.

"How do you pay for your house, car and phone then?" His eye brows raised, and no one dared to make a noise.

"Hyung" I slightly snapped.

'I- uh.." Chaeyeon stuttered, looking at me for help. I wanted to honestly scream at him. "Its not any of your business how she pays for those things hyung. I think its very rude of you to ask that."

He suddenly looked amused, tilting his head up and putting down his chop sticks. "So you are paying for all these things then? I told you to watch our for those whores man, they steal all your money and moves on."


I felt a hand squeeze my thigh as Chaeyeon interrupted me. "I understand your concern for your younger brother, but you have it all wrong. He doesn't pay for anything other than my phone because I don't have a house or car. I live with my sister and I take a bus or taxi. I don't let him spend much money on me. He pays for my phone so I have a way to text and call him and my family. So please don't assume I am here just for money. Cash doesn't mean anything to me."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. How much did that outfit cost? Did Yoongi buy it for you?"

"No my sister did as a birthday gift."

"What about-"

"That is enough Junki." My father cut in, silencing my older brother. "I am sorry Chaeyeon-ah. What are your interests? Do you have any job ideas you would like to do?"

She smiled, moving her hand down my thigh a bit. "Well I was looking into dance studios maybe.."

Finally the conversation went to my brother and his fiance about the weddings, and things going on with my cousins college.

"Which reminded me, Yoongi-ah my friend is an army and a fan of yours, do you mind if she can meet you when we go to Seoul next?" Siyeon questioned, and I just agreed, knowing the female would complain if things didn't go her way.

"Its getting quite late, why don't you two just stay in Yoongis old room upstairs?" My mother requested, but I declined. "Thanks but I have work tomorrow so we have to get back tonight."


It felt like forever until we got back on the road, and since I really don't have work tomorrow, I had an idea.

"Oppa this isn't the way back home?"

"I know. I wanted to show you something kitten." I smiled at her, and she giggled. I pulled up to my own house that I bought a few years ago. All of the boys and I have our own houses that we hardly spend time at, but I enjoyed it for when I wanted to be alone.

It was about 15 minutes from the company and 23 minutes to our shared dorm. I pulled the expensive car into the garage, right next to my cheaper car that I usually use when I don't want to draw attention.

"Where are we?" She asked, truly confused.

It was a smaller house in a quiet neighborhood where it was unlikely for an idol to live. The other people who know of this address are the boys and our manager.

"My house."

The Introvert's Baby (LITTLESPACE AU)Where stories live. Discover now