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i updated FINALLY after so long. don't forget to vote and comment and share. new part should be out soon now that i began again. hopefully. would love to hear your views

Nikita's POV

I rubbed my shoulders and tucked my hair behind my ear. Sweat was running down the sides of my face as I tightened my grip on the bat.

"Come on Michael! You're going down now!" I hollered.

"We'll see!" He replied, flashing a big smile. He put on his glove and then the ball flew towards me. I closed my eyes in fear, almost squealing and moved the bat with as much force as possible. The bat did hit something with a strong impact. I opened my eyes to see the ball flying back. I had hit the ball. Finally. After three hours.

"Finally Nikita!" Michael ran up to for a high five.

Instead, I hugged him fully in excitement. "Do you even know how rewarding it is for me?! I hit a homerun!"

"Not quite a homerun... but that was good too!" He patted my back eagerly.

"What! Just good? Not awesome? Not fantastic? Not spectacular?" I teased, plopping down on the ground.

"Oh Nikita! Do you want the answer that's honest or the one that'll please you?" He sat beside me, removing his cap and then lay down on the ground.

"Such a jerk!" I looked down at him with a crinkled face. He swept his bangs aside and winked.

"Oh, you know you don't mean it." He grinned cheekily as we took a breather and then got up to pack and leave.

"Think whatever you want to." I laughed.

We reached the main campus, where we had to separate for our wings. The laughter subsided. If it were upon me, I would skip this part of awkwardness that always followed the end of dates with guys who tried to get attached.

"I would walk you but... I have to collect the team with Judy for practice." Michael said expectantly.

"Walk me? Come on, it's broad daylight. I can walk myself Michael." I laughed. Then I quickly sobered up, hoping I hadn't hurt his massive ego. "I'll see you later! Best of luck!"

I quickly pecked his cheek and turned around on my heel, so fast that the world blurred, and then raced all the way to my suite. I had practice too.

I stood in the elevator. It was a quiet ride with a couple of strangers. I had time to think about how tired yet cheerful I felt. A sporty morning sure made a lot of difference. I made a mental note to ask someone to join me for any game in the morning.

The ding of elevator opening brought me back. I opened my eyes and walked out, to our suite. In the hallway, I bumped into Brooklyn. He was looking all gelled up and ready, heading for breakfast, back in his white coat. He had finished training in the morning.

"Morning Brooklyn!" I wished as I passed him by.

"Good morning! How are you?" He stopped walking with that bright smile plastered on his face.

"I am alright... Why?"

"Oh alright... I just didn't see you at practice today."

"Yeah, I was with Michael-" I immediately wanted to slap myself when I said that. His smile faltered just slightly before he fixed it.

"Okay. Will I see you at breakfast?"

"Oh, you will. I will be there once I have changed." I waved and walked to the end of the hallway. I opened the door to the suite and greeted Hilary and Tyson with a smirk.

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